Chapter 30 - LILAH

461 Words

I laid in the hospital bed still trying to process what had happened. Last I remember I was with Anya in a I'm here in hospital being told I was found overdosed on wolfsbane in the forest? Is that what she did? I can't tell them what happened, she already threatened me if I did what would happen to me ..... she's make me an outcast... make my family an outcast..... I feel my Dad's eyes looking at me, he's obviously waiting for an answer... “I can't remember much Dad" I lie, I have to lie to protect myself... to protect my family..if Anya found out I had told them what happened she'd find a way to kill me.... She had been so close to killing me this time... “I'd been for a run, I thought I heard something then I got hit round the head....the next thing I remember I'm here"

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