Hot Kiss

2080 Words
Grace did a double-take when Kade came through the door and she wished desperately that the ground would open up and swallow her in a whole, the fiery blue eyes staring at her took her back to the point where all the awkwardness began. Grace had never been promiscuous, all of her firsts had been with John and she had thought of no other man talk less of lusting after them. She was an alien to all the feelings she felt for Kade, he was indeed handsome but it was not like she had never met handsome guys, she always lost the ability to breathe properly whenever he was around followed almost immediately by a surge of heat settling below her stomach and her body warmed uncontrollably whenever he touched her to the extent that she felt a shameless primitive desire to jump him. She knew that a lot of women must throw themselves at him and even she was not immune to his charms, only two things kept her from doing that, her strong sense of dignity because she did think highly of herself and her dedication to her children, she also suspected that discipline due to years of learning to be a proper lady contributed too, but she ignored the contributions because she had despised the training. "I said I want to see you again Grace, maybe for more than a drink," Kade explained feeling like a fool, Grace stared at him like he had sprouted an additional head as he spoke. She kept quiet, sure that she had misheard him, maybe the s*x on the beach drink was making her imagine things, she waited for him to clarify the situation and rectify his mistake but he had to go and tell her that he wanted to see her again, for more than drinks this time, she even wondered what that meant. "Don't you have anything to say?" Kade asked slightly irritated, he hated silence as much as he hated lies, and to make matters worse he was already feeling so much like a fool. He had never had to ask for a woman's attention twice before she offered it all to him willingly. Over the years, he had taken different kinds of women, though he secretly had a thing for blond women with natural curves, he still took whatever he could lay his hands on, he had no moral code. If he wanted something, he went after it, regardless of whether it was his or not, he didn't mind sleeping with married women, widows or older women as long as they knew that it was just harmless fun that would never lead anywhere. He loved everything about Grace's body which was mostly what he considered in women, but he also liked Grace's weird innocence despite the fact that she already had two children and her sass, it was very rare that a woman challenged him. "I didn't think I heard you right," Grace answered wishing her back was not already pressed against the body of the car because he was beginning to crowd her personal space and breathing was becoming difficult. "Well now that you've realised that you clearly heard me, what do you say?" He smirked noticing her obvious discomfort. "I—it—why would I want to see you again." She figured the safe way out was to play the offence card. Kade frowned "Maybe I'll just have to show you then." "What—how—why." Before she could form a coherent sentence, Kade yanked her close to him and covered her mouth with a sealing kiss, effectively ending all talk for the main time. Grace moaned from the unexpected contact and Kade growled before deepening the kiss, she tasted of softness and sweetness, there was no other way for his brain to process the feeling, while he tasted of manliness and warmth, if it could be tasted. Kade pressed the woman in his arms impossible closer and his hands drifted to the curves his eyes had been admiring, she snaked her arms over his shoulders and connected them behind his neck, allowing him more access to plunder her mouth, buds of arousal flattened against his chest and he grew more painfully excited, she snatched a handful of his hair as the evidence of his arousal strained between her thighs proving that she was as equally excited as he was. Kade lifted her off the ground and those lithe legs that had distracted him in his office tightened around him, opening her most feminine heat to him, clothes doing very little to conceal the heat, he ground himself against her centre aching to strip her bare and take her against her car. She was so responsive that she blew his control to hell. Just when Grace thought she would go crazy from all the pleasure she felt, her bubble burst and she was sent crashing down from heaven as the realisation of what was happening hit her. Megan's drunken utterances pierced through the bubble of desire they were suspended in and they both separated breathing heavily. "You think that's enough to convince you or are you not convinced enough?" Kade asked smirking as soon as he could kickstart his brain and catch his breath. Grace stared at him open-mouthed, she was shocked at what just happened, Kade had kissed the living daylights out of her and she'd responded with the same fervour and urgency. He was smirking at her like he'd just won a prize and Grace felt sick, she'd just cemented his obsession by letting him know that she felt the same, but she always had an ace up her sleeves and it was time to use it now if she ever wanted to recover her dignity Infront of him. "How dare you kiss me?" She slapped him and effectively wiped away the grin on his face. "If I remember correctly, you didn't rebuff me, in fact, you kissed me back." He retorted eyes glazing over in annoyance. "I have to go." She announced, without waiting for a reply she entered the car and drove away leaving Kade standing in the shadows of the parking lot with a massive hard-on. "Fuck." He muttered under his breath as he watched her car speed away, he tucked himself properly into his trousers thankful for the privacy the parking lot offered and braced himself for sleepless nights and cold showers. That night Grace stayed awake throughout, pondering what had just happened, she was happy that Megan was stoned meaning she would not remember what happened the following day and so no one would ever know what happened between Kade and her. She decided to cease all communication with him and avoid him totally, only she wondered how seeing that Kade was King in these parts. After that encounter, Grace avoided Kade like a plaque, it also helped that she had the opening night event to organise, so she was extremely busy but what she didn't realize was that Kade was also avoiding her, not that he stopped wanting her, hell no, but he just had to sit back, regroup and come up with another strategy, this had definitely become a war. Kade's one ally that wouldn't disappoint him was Max and so he confided in him several days after Grace had left him high and dry. "What!" Max exclaimed laughing, "Already?" He asked. "If you're not going to be helpful, shut the f**k up and get the hell out," Kade shouted angrily. "Woo, chill dude, am just messing around," He raised his hands in surrender. "She likes you and you like her, so what is the problem here?" "Have you completely lost it, dude?" Kade asked seething with anger, " I don't like her, I want her so much she's driving me crazy, there's a difference and I know she wants me too." He calmed down and smiled slightly remembering her fierce response to him. "Man, you look whipped," Max stated staring at the smile on Kade's face that had sharply morphed into a scowl. "You know what, get lost," Kade shouted and pointed to the door, "If you're going to be of no use to me, I don't see any reason to waste my time further." "One quick question though, when last did you get some, you seem on edge." "That is not the problem," Kade answered, of course, he hadn't felt the need to sleep with any other woman when Grace was the woman he wanted writhing beneath him, she could get him painfully hard with just a look with those sensual hazel eyes of hers and until he had her and she no longer had that power over him, he would bed no other woman. "Just get on out," Kade added rustling his thick dark hair as the image of Grace yanking on it appeared before his eyes. "Fine," Max shrugged, " But I think you should know that the opening event of her restaurant is today." "What?" Kade asked and seized him by the collars, "Why am I just hearing this now?" He deepened his scowl, his blue eyes hardening to the colour of ice. Only Max could pull this off and still survive, any other person would have been close to death by now. "You might want to stop choking me and start heading out, the event must have already started." He replied and tried to free himself from Kade's steely grip. Kade let go of him and strode out of the door in long strides, " You're coming with me." He called over his shoulders without pausing his steps. "I would not miss the show for anything." He laughed and hasted his steps to catch up with Kade, his best friend was falling for the newbie, he might not know it but his eyes softened and he fought to hide his smile whenever Grace was mentioned. Max was like Kade in the sense that they had more women than they wanted, he found Kade's new obsession hilarious because there was nothing that stood her apart from all the other women that he'd seen Kade with, he found love worked in strange was and he swore to avoid it, he did not like to think that one day a woman would make him act crazy like Kade. He thought of the next woman he wanted to bed, he had met her in club Elite and her dark skin had glistened in the light calling his attention to her, he felt like he had seen her somewhere but his memories of her were too vague as he was stoned the night he met her, maybe she was just a figment of his drunken imagination, he was yet to ascertain but something told him that he would meet the dark-skinned woman again, he would recognise her anywhere because her silhouette had burned deep into his brain, he wasn't in a haste to meet her again though, after all, he was going to Grace's opening party, these kinds of event always attracted women, women who wouldn't mind a roll in the hay with a bad boy. He snapped out of his thoughts and hurried along, he smiled when he saw that Kade has already started the car's engine, he was desperate to see Grace. "Get in you slow poke," Kade grunted and pressed the car's horn twice, he was in a hurry to get to the restaurant, he had not yet determined what he would say or do when he got there but his mind could will him to stay still no longer, he would just have to deal with it when he got there. "Relax lover boy." Max teased slowing his strides purposefully to upset Kade. "Maximilian." Kade shouted angrily and it was enough to get Max moving, Kade didn't use his full name unless he was very pissed or if Max f****d up royally. Max got in the car and Kade drove off speedily without even waiting for him to close the car's door. "Man you're gonna get us killed, slow the f**k down, this b***h is making you lose control," Max yelled. Kade glared at him, Max had hit too close to home, he liked to always be in control. He calmed down and focused on the road, he was going to get his control back by winning with Grace, he promised to have her the way he wanted before the month's end.
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