The Italian Don

2174 Words

Chapter 19 The Italian Don Kade smiled before he answered the Italian Don, if he was looking for a solution to Grace's problem then a solution had just presented itself. Mr. Marceli knew everything about everybody who was worth knowing. How could he not have thought of that, of course Mr. Marceli would know John Knightly and if the man had any skeletons in his cupboard Mr. Marceli would know it and it would make Kade's task all the more easier to accomplish. "That's right," Kade replied firmly. "In fact, I have a bone to pick with him." "Claro, he's your woman's ex-husband and he's stirring up trouble." "Yes, but would you happen to know why, and how I can get him to stop." "Of course Amico, why else did you think I called." "Thank you for your help." "Oh, don't thank me yet, I h

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