The Challenge

2044 Words

"Kade you have to stop," Grace mumbled trying to suppress her body's response to the man in front of her, his fingers on her lips were evoking delirious responses from her. "I don't think you want me to." He said and pried her lips open with his fingers, her tongue darted out as of their own accord and touched his fingers shyly. Grace did not know why she allowed Kade to take as many liberties as he had with her, someone else would have suffered an unspeakable fate. "What do you want from me." She breathed unable to conceal her body's reaction to his touch. "Oh you know what I want Grace, I make no mystery of it." He smiled knowing he had won and kissed her softly. Grace pressed her body closer to him and without a second thought, she deepened the kiss. To say Kade was surprised would

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