Chapter 20

2022 Words

He released my wrists, pulling out a walkie talkie, speaking rapid Russian into the receiver. Basically he said; "Sinister, I'm going crazy man. Please, let me switch out with someone, anyone. I'm literally going to kill myself." There was no response. I frowned, clearing my throat "excuse me? Mom? Yeah, I speak Russian." He slowly lowered the walkie, his face covered with annoyance. I pouted, pulling the hood over my oversized sweatshirt that said "f**k You" It was actually one of Sinisters plain white sweatshirts, but I was feeling creative and wrote "f**k you" in sharpie Mom glanced at me and frowned, "aren't you supposed to be like a p********e or something?" Ah, he must be referring to my unwashed hair piled high into a messy pony tail, lack of makeup,oversized sweatshirt and

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