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Bondage A La Carte & Other Tales of Domination by Jurgen von Stuka ISBN: 978-1-938897-61-0 A Pink Flamingo Ebook Publication Copyright © 2014, All rights reserved With the exception of quotes used in reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means, including mechanical, electronic, photocopying recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publishers. For information contact: Pink Flamingo Publications P.O. Box 632 Richland, MI 49083 USA Preface The concept of total, perpetual immobility, strict restraint and confinement, being sealed off from the outside world, unable to communicate in any way with anyone, remains a tantalizing and common theme in much b**m literature. Variations on this theme of extreme submission are infinite and there is always one more new idea just around the dark corners of our mind wherein we are either the subject of such an experience or the provider of same for another person who may or may not have asked for it directly or wished for it subconsciously. In either case, the result is the same: intense restraint in a locked cell, cave, cellar, coffin, vault, cage, hidden storage room or secret containment vault. This is often accompanied by constant s****l stimulation either from outside sources beyond the subject’s control or by the subject’s own actions, such as indefinite and continuous self-stimulation with foreign objects. Of course, this kind of enterprise is, at least in the b**m world, seldom more than a short journey into confinement, subjugation and sensuous pleasure, terminated by eventual release and return to the real, less erotic world. However, such fantasies are still sought after and promulgated by those who find the concept so appealing that they may seek to read and hear about yet another venture into the sadomasochistic domain of impossible erotic dreams. Such fantasies often entail infinite, endless bondage and s****l pleasure. Certainly, one version of this scenario is where the subject seeks and finds a willing and skilled dominant practitioner. This man or woman will not simply bind or chain the subject and throw away the keys. That is not very subtle. In fact, it’s probably boring. The true dominant knows the subtleties of placing his charge in such extreme bondage that there is little the subject can do other than endlessly ramp up her erotic senses and enjoy the tactile and mental benefits of being hopelessly kept in bound isolation until such time as her keeper decides to release her. In this series of unrelated tales, the reader may need to imagine for him/herself the possibilities suggested by each story. In some of the stories, the end result is obvious…the woman finds her ultimate nirvana of perpetual servitude in bondage at the hands of another woman or man. In other chapters, the end is perhaps only the beginning and the reader will have to visualize the next phase of the subject’s experience. Whatever your desires and needs may be in this regard, read this with the knowledge that what may seem like a fine idea may, in the end, not be what you want to spend the rest of your life experiencing. JvS Amsterdam, August 2013 Summary/Synopsis If you like short, erotic tales, this is for you. One nice thing about short stories is that they are a quick read. You don’t have to remember the plot, (if there is any), and you will have less trouble remembering what each of the characters did or said or who was screwing who. Aside from those benefits, at least in this case, you get ten different stories in one book. Each of these little vignettes tells of the trials and tribulations of one or more unfortunate females at the hands of one or more perversely dominant persons. It’s pretty tame fare. No one dies. There are no terrorists, no bombings, no car chases, no guns, no people getting run over by a bus or train. In other words, this stuff is not your normal Hollywood or TV junk fare. Hopefully, you’ll find it interesting and worth your hard-earned money and time. If not, burn it. Or burn the k****e, Nook, smart phone or tablet that you downloaded it on. Have fun. Jurgen von Stuka The Tales I. Bondage a La Carte - The White Room and the Figures in Black. How much is one woman able to endure when faced with an ever- changing menu of ghastly torments, even if she plans them herself? II. A Glimmer of an Idea - Money will buy anything. The ad promised him an expensive and satisfying fulfillment of his fantasies. All it would take was money. III. The Web* - Art is in the eye of the beholder. Artistic things that a talented and kinky physician can do with a room full of chains and four young women at his disposal. IV. The Tram - Wherever you go, your past life follows For the tourist, Amsterdam offers plenty of entertainment, but don’t get stuck on a tram going to places you might rather not visit. V. Fun with Metal - Hanging around in a warehouse. There’s nothing like having your own private warehouse with lots of anxious, masochistic women hanging around for social gatherings. VI. A Visit with Doctor Gail*-Getting to know the local chiropractor. This kinky doc specializes in making sure that your appointment with him is memorable. VII. The Squirt Gun Kidnapping* - “I’m dumber than a bag of sand.” Irrigation takes on a new meaning when an abduction victim finds that there is more to life than just being bound and screwed day and night. VIII. Gladiator Slave Sisters* - A good reason not to take a freebie vacation trip. Two friends end up visiting a Mexican bullring…as the main entertainment. IX. Bloody Romance - How one couple spends their spare time. Peter takes a trip to America. Myra stays in the coffin in the cellar. X. Therapy – Lacy is fired and agrees to undergo therapy. Her training includes a spanking machine and days locked in a cage. *Portions of these stories have appeared on some b**m web sites prior to 2000. I. Bondage A La Carte
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