Chapter Seven

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Casen “So, this is your idea of defying your father?” I looked to see Orien come into the ballroom. “Well, he wants to put ridiculous commands on me.” “What’s so ridiculous?” “He’s refusing to let me go to the club. I need to go. I need to find her. I never got her name last night.” Orien arched his brow. “You were with her last night?” “Yeah, we went to an inn.” “And you didn’t get her name.” “No, I was so consumed with having her again that I wasn’t thinking straight. She fell asleep after and when I woke up, she was gone. I tried to get it from the front desk attendant, but they wouldn’t reveal it to me. I don’t know what to do. What if she goes to the club and, night after night, I don’t show up, she moves on to some other guy?” “I don’t think she would do that to you.” “She would. I found her with another guy kissing her.” “Really? She didn’t seem the type. I mean she didn’t even stick around to meet you when I danced with her.” “And that further proves my point. Though he kissed her on the cheek.” “You’re basing her possible infidelity on a kiss on the cheek and a dance with me before you even had her the first time? Give her the benefit of the doubt. She may move on, but you got to have her. Did I tell you I’m still mad at you for taking her when I noticed her first?” “I’m sorry. I really am. It was a d*ck move, but I couldn’t resist her. She is like a fire in my blood and my body burns for her.” “I’m sure you’ll find a way to find her again. Maybe she’ll find you. You never know. I would just keep your eyes open and don’t lose hope.” “It figures that the two good things in my life I lose at almost the same time.” Orien looked at me questioningly. “You and her.” “I’m not gone yet, and I’ll be back. My grandfather won’t be able to keep me for long. I’m already working on plans to convince him to let me take over the family business here and allow my dad and mom to help back in China.” My heart perked up at Orien being back here. “Do you think he will go for it?” “He should. I have been the dutiful grandson. Speaking of being dutiful, we need to train.” “I don’t want to,” I grumbled. “Too bad. What if I said we work on training in the air until I have to leave? We still have to do weapons and hand to hand, but on the off chance I can’t return, we do need to work on air training.” “Yes, absolutely. Can we start with that?” “Sure.” Orien led me towards the wooded area behind the main house. It had been drizzling with rain for a little while. I didn’t care. I love the smell of rain. I thought I picked up on her smell as we entered the woods, but I must still be lost in my memories of her. When we got deep enough into the woods we changed. The rain will help cover us in case there’s a possibility someone could see us. We shot up into the sky. We had to fly much higher than normal to be able to use our fire breath. Orien blew a stream of green fire at me. I dodged it and countered with my blue fire. Most dragon fire looks like a normal fire, but royal dragons take on the coloring of their families. It may not be exact in color, but it will be in the spectrum of the color. Orien’s father had told me the darker the coloring, the more royal or special the dragon was. I never thought much about it because my dad had the same story but with size. If Orien’s dad is speaking the truth, then I would have an advantage over my dad and brother in that department too. I’m uncertain if Orien is the same as his family or not. I haven’t seen his dad or grandfather breathing their fire. We spent a few hours in the air. My dragon was happy to get the training in and to be let out for such a long time. We landed back in the woods. It is raining hard now. While the rain poured off my dragon body, it clearly doesn’t in my human form. Even with the cover of the trees, we were soaked rather quickly. “Can you do me a favor?” I asked. “What?” “Will you go to the club and let her know I’m indisposed for family reasons, and I will try to see her as soon as possible. Oh, and can you find out her name and give her mine? Heck, give her my number and I’ll tell her. Please.” I kind of begged. “I’ll see what I can do.” “Thank you. You are the best.” “Don’t you forget that. You’ll owe me for this.” “Anything, anytime.” He smiled at me, and we clasped each other in a quick hug, patting each other on the back. “Lets go dry off and eat. Your dad won’t mind if I join you for dinner, will he?” “You know he won’t.” My spirits were lifted a little bit. I brought Orien into my rooms. I went into the bathroom and grabbed a couple of towels. I tossed one to him. I peeled my soaked shirt off as I went into my closet to find some dry clothes for me and some for Orien. He was in the bathroom ringing his shirt out in the tub. A lot of water squeezed out of his shirt. “Here, its not much, but hopefully it’ll help.” I set the clothes on the counter. “Thanks.” I closed the bathroom door on my way out. I’ll just ring my clothes out after I change. I peeled the rest of my clingy soaked clothes off and used the towel to dry myself. I got dressed in my dry clothes. Orien came from the bathroom and my clothes fit him perfectly. We are similar in size. I quickly rang my clothes out in the bathroom and hung them to dry like Orien’s clothes were hung up. “Hey, I’m going to meet you in the dining room. I need to go get my cell phone out of my car and let my parents know I’ll be having dinner here.” Orien said. “Okay.” He jogged off and I sauntered to the dining room. I don’t want to be there for too long by myself with my dad and brother after earlier today. They won’t attack me too much if Orien is there though. Image is everything, after all. I took my seat and was the only one in the dining room for the moment. I sighed with relief. I really hope Orien can get to her. I don’t want to be replaced so quickly. There’s no doubt she could find any other guy to take my place. She’s so beautiful. An image of her face came to mind and my chest tightened. She needs to be mine and only mine. My phone chimed and I got excited before I realized there was no way she had my number yet. I looked to see a text from my mom. Mom- I miss you. How are you doing? Me- I miss you too. I met a girl. Mom- Tell me about her. Me- She is an amazing dancer. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. Mom- Does your father approve? Me- He hasn’t met her, and he is trying to keep me from her. Mom- I’m sure that is not the case. He is just probably being cautious to protect you. Me- Maybe you’re right. She wasn’t, but she can’t see past my dad’s charm and doesn’t truly know who he is. Who I am, for that matter. Me- Mom, I’ll have to talk with you another time we are sitting down for dinner. Mom- Okay. Don’t be a stranger. Call me more. I love you. Me- I will. I love you too. I smiled because my mom always makes me feel better, even if she is a little misguided about the truth of the situation. She would side with me if she truly knew and that is a comfort. It was her and me for the longest time and she always placed me above anything else. Callum entered the room and I grimaced inwardly. He had his same brooding glare towards me. He gave me an evil smirk which was a little out of character for him. I don’t know what he has up his sleeve and I don’t want to know. Before he could say much of anything, Orien came into the room. “Sorry it took a little longer than I thought.” He apologized. “Its fine.” He took the chair next to me. “Callum.” He acknowledged him. “Orien.” Callum responded. My dad entered, followed by a girl about nineteen or younger. I didn’t like that. I remember dancing with her at the ball. I can’t remember her name or what clan she comes from. “Ah, Orien, what a pleasure to have you for dinner.” “Thank you, your majesty.” “Have you met Ainsley Landen? She is the alpha’s daughter from the White Oak clan.” “No sir, I didn’t have the pleasure. Its nice to meet you I’m.” “Prince Orien Lynx.” Ainsley finished for Orien. Orien stood to shake her hand more properly. She grinned and giggled as he took her hand. She looked star struck. “Ainsley, this is my youngest son Casen.” I stood begrudgingly and extended my hand out to shake. I plastered a fake smile on my face as I looked down at her. If she looked at Orien with star-struck eyes, she eyed me with lust. She took my hand, and something made me want to cringe away from her. I noticed my dad didn’t introduce her to Callum. She took the chair next to Callum and he was trying to hide a grin while she just stared at me. I felt gross. She’s not ugly. She has long blonde hair with blue eyes. She is petite and a foot shorter than I am. She reminds me of a cheerleader in high school with her body type. They would have put her at the top of any pyramids because she’s so small. Dinner was served and I did everything I could to not look at Ainsley. “Ainsley, my dear. What are your plans for after school?” My dad asked. “Well, I graduate in the spring, and I was thinking of fashion school.” That confirms that she has to be younger than nineteen. “Will you have time for fashion school with your duties? Becoming a princess is a lot of responsibility.” My heart dropped. I know what my dad is planning, but I need to deflect to draw it out of him. “That is insane dad. She is far too young for Callum. How old are you?” “I’ll be eighteen in December.” “See, far too young.” “She is not too young for you.” “No, absolutely not. I will never marry her. She’s not even an adult yet. She is too young for me.” “You will marry her if I command it.” “We don’t live in ancient times. You can’t force me to marry her even by command.” I feel like I can’t breathe. “You won’t be marrying her for a while. She needs to graduate and so do you. She will be staying with us so you can get to know each other better. That is my final order as your king.” I want to fight him, but I can’t right now. I need to pick my battle and when to stand my ground. My father will not get his way. Orien nudged my leg with his and I knew what he was trying to say without words. He doesn’t approve of this either. I picked at my food, no longer hungry. I would fly away and leave for good, but my dad would have his people find me. I also didn’t want to leave my mystery girl. I can’t leave not without her.
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