Chapter 4

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King POV 'Your majesty, good morning; I hope I am not calling too early for you. I keep forgetting your time zone.' The man on the other end of the phone greeted me with excitement, and I hoped it was the news I had been waiting for; I understood multiple births could come early, and I hoped the mother and babies were well. 'Time is not important when you have important news. Has she had the babies?' I heard that Pam had been in the hospital for a while and was not at all happy being stuck there. I chuckled at that news. I get the impression that Pam is very headstrong like me and her father, and this will only make her grumpier. But in that, I see a resilience that I deeply admire, a resilience that makes me proud. Just knowing she is like her Dad, a part of him is still alive and well. I miss my brother and his family. It was devastating when they disappeared, and I thought they had met up with foul play. After that, I had beefed up my own security and put a closer what on my nephew, who I still believe is behind all of this, but he is crafty and good at wiping away evidence. 'She has successfully given birth to three fine-looking boys, ' he chirped, knowing that this news was the best I had received regarding my brother's family for a while. Her cousin, the prince, will not be pleased if he hears about this. I hope he does not know Pam is alive or where she is. 'Mother doing well?' I panicked briefly at the thought of losing her, and we need to up her protection now there are three more heirs alive; maybe set some for the children for when they start school. I will have to know where they intend to send them and get a teacher or two in there to watch them, help them, and keep them from being bullied, but then I doubt they would have that problem with three together. 'Yes, all is well. Mother is sleeping as we speak. Bethany, her stepdaughter, has given birth, too, and your plant, Wayne, his wife, gave birth the same day. All is going according to plan, sir.' 'Excellent news! They have bonded with that family well, so it's a good idea to send a family man to be the watcher. I am sure they will notice if anything starts to be out of the norm in the street. It's the best protection idea you have had yet. Having so many children might be even better; they will all play together and protect each other. Wayne's baby girl should be able to fit into that easily, being in the same street and making friends early. ' I was pleased that the idea of putting a family man next door to Pam and having the wife go to the same clinic and hospital for checkups made them closer for a different reason. 'The area is quiet; no new activity on the streets that had been seen or heard, and whoever was doing the killing of the prince's contacts has not been active in a while. I still have not found out who it was, and I believe they removed every contact in town. We have not even worked out how they knew who those contacts were. This person or persons is a mystery.' he said. I don't care who it was; they did us all a favor. My nephew is going to have to build up new contacts or send in one or two of his own team; if he does that, I will be able to track them as we know them all. 'Good work. Let the team know I am happy with the results so far.' I hung up and headed off to find my wife. She is going to be thrilled to hear that she has new nephews. I hope she does not nag me again to bring her here; she is safer where she is at the moment. I will whisk her here so fast that her feet won't touch the floor if anything changes. 'Sweetness?' I called out as I headed down the stairs to the kitchen, where I hoped to find my wife. She had been cooking breakfast for me lately in our private kitchen. 'In the kitchen.' In private, we do not act like we are the king and queen; we like to do things casually, and even the staff are more relaxed in our private area. 'Pam has had her triplets, and Pam and the babies are all fine so far.' The squeal from my wife was expected; she might be able to keep her emotions in check in public, but out here, nope, not at all; it is as if our personal space gives us the right to be silly and our true selves and not what the public sees. We are, after all, humans with feelings the same as theirs. 'What's their names, and how big were they?' she rushed a load of questions at me that I should have expected. 'I have no clue, and I do not think our informant knows yet. Perhaps the next call will give us that information.' I try to calm her. 'Bet you did not even ask, ' she grumbled back, and she was right; I did not think to ask. 'Now, now dear, be grateful I asked how they were.' I chuckled at her pouting face and knew I could not satisfy her need for answers. 'When can we go and see them?' this had been her push since I told her we found Pam. 'It is too dangerous, you know this, be patient. Our man is going to get some photos, and you will have to be satisfied with that for now.' I held her close to me, kissing her neck. 'You better find me the moment you receive them!' she demanded, pulling away from me and placing her hands on her hips. She tried to give me a fierce stare, which only made me chuckle all the more. 'When the children reach school age, we shall go on holiday to that city and see if we can meet up with them. For now, it is safer for them if we do not go anywhere near them and give the killer of my brother a hint of where to look.' I smile at her as she huffs, which means I have won this round. Prince POV 'Sir, we have not found out who did the killing off all your contacts; not even the police have worked that one out, and we cannot get the money back; the traces bounce us all over the world and back to where we started, a big long, loop to nowhere. What are your orders?' This contact is one of my best from here; if he cannot find a clue, then there are no clues to be found. Whoever has done this is very good at their job. 'Get a new contact list going, find people who know the area, and start looking at places where we can start to build businesses again. No rush; I think we shall grow slowly this time and stay under the radar; that way, no one will notice we are back in the area. No drugs or women, for now; work on finding places for money laundering and gambling. Maybe some underground fights.' I suggested. I was trying hard not to be as harsh on the men as before. They might work better if I can control my anger; it is not their fault; I lost so much. The slow build-back-up should work in my favor. In the meantime, I need to keep investigating how that money went missing. I wish they had not killed Spider; he was a wealth of information, and I bet he would know where my money went and who was doing the killings of my men
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