Chapter 2

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Pam POV Bob had just finished making the changes in the new nursery. It looked good, and he brought photos of what he had accomplished. I had been stuck in the hospital for weeks now. I tried to talk my doctor into letting me stay home like Bethany's doctor did, but she said Bethany was different. Hank and Theo are both doctors and know what they are doing. I could not argue with that, plus Bethany is a doctor, so she is surrounded by medical help if something goes wrong; I heard that Hank reports to her doctor every day about her progress. I complained once about how huge I was getting, and Bob said I was not huge; after we debated it for a while, he produced a photo of Bethany, and I am glad there is not another one in my belly because she is huge. I stopped complaining after that. Poor Bethany, she cannot even walk without help. She got that front heavy; I was pretty good until they stuck me in here. Now, I hardly leave the bed, and when I try to, nurses rush into the room and fuss over me. It is nice and annoying at the same time. 'This is our bedroom now. I have put the nanny here, a little further away from our room.' Bob is busy showing me the completed work, and it is all finished now; new security measures are in place, and there are new gates to the front and cameras everywhere. We now have more security than a bank. Bob's phone rang as the tea trolley arrived. I watched the lady place a drink for Bob on the table and a plate of sandwiches and then brought me a coffee and sandwiches. Bob was listening intently to his phone, his back to me, so I could not see his face; that always worried me when he did that; it usually meant bad news, and he did not want me to see how bad. He came back and sat near me, taking a sip of his coffee and unwrapping the cover on the plate of sandwiches. 'Do you Want me to unwrap yours?' he offered calmly, picking up my plate and starting to unwrap it. 'Talk to me, Bob, what is going on?' He looked up at me and smiled. That did not make me feel any better. 'Tell me. Please,' I added, hoping that would get him to talk. He had been trying to hide the bad from me, but in the end, it was better to rip the bandaid off and tell me the bad than to let my vivid imagination go wild. 'Bethany is on her way to the hospital.' He said casually as if what he just said did not rock my world. 'What, is she okay? She was supposed to go for another couple of weeks. Are the babies okay?' I rambled, and he let me ramble on until I ran out of questions. 'Finished?' How can he be so calm? He is about to be a grandfather of more than four babies and is calm as.... oooo I don't know how calm. 'I cannot answer your questions; all I can tell you is Theo called and was in the car. Bring Bethany in; she had a pain in the stomach, and Dr. Dawn said to bring her in as a precaution. I will find out more once she arrives.' He is so calm. Did she have pains in the stomach? That is incredible, and she had to be worried. I know I am worried for her. He continued going over pictures while eating his lunch until his phone rang again. 'Hello?' He looked at me as he suddenly sat up straight, his face draining of color. 'Thank you. Keep me posted, and I am here in the hospital with Pam.' He hung up and sat silent for a moment. This time, I knew better than to say anything until he was ready. 'Bathany's water broke on her way here, and Dr. Dawn has taken her straight into the OR; her blood pressure had gone high, and she is struggling a little at the moment.' Bob looked worried; he had always been close to Bethany, and I was not sure how he would react to losing her. This news was a change reaction for me; I suddenly had a strong pain in my stomach and cried out, having Bob rush over to me and push the call button. The nurse came rushing in, took one look at my face, and called for the doctor to come. I do not know what I looked like, but both the nurse and Bob were looking at me worriedly. I must have looked bad, but all I could think of was poor Bethany and how hard her life had been so far. They had been looking forward to her babies arriving, and Theo was going to make a great father. The doctor arrived, looked at the vitals the nurse gave her, and smiled at me. 'So, you were not just content sharing your clinic appointments with Bethany; you want to have your babies on the same day.' She chuckled. She started giving the nurse orders to get the other OR ready. 'We are going to need to call in the reserve gang, and it was good that Dr. Dawn had thought of all of this in advance. She must have had a premonition of this happening.' The doctor was still amused, and I was not happy at all; I had not wanted to have my babies on the same day as Bethany; she was two weeks behind me. I should have mine and be home again before hers were born; it was too early for her. Will they live? I was thinking this as they placed me on a gurney and wheeled me to the delivery room, Bob by my side, holding my hand, looking at me with worry. The room was cold. Why are delivery rooms always so cold? I thought as I changed beds. The nurse lifted my shirt and exposed my stomach, and a screen of some sort was placed over my chest so I could not see what they were going to do to me. Three humid cribs were wheeled in and plugged in; everything worked like clockwork; no one spoke; they all knew their jobs, and the only one speaking was Bob. 'Our babies will be here real soon, and I cannot wait to see what we have, all girls or boys or a mix of both.' Bob sounded so calm, and I wondered if it was because he had children already or if he was always like this; in the force, we are taught to meet all things calmly, but that does not always happen. Soon, the numbing took over, and I felt nothing. As they started to work behind the screen, Bob held my hand and kissed the back of it, still discussing the babies' names we had been discussing. Soon, the sound of the first child's cry was heard, and the doctor offered Bob the chance to cut the cord, which he happily did. They cleaned the baby up, and neither Bob nor the doctor asked if it was a girl or a boy, I said I did not want to know till all three were here in case one did not make it. I was so happy to hear the cry. Another cry soon followed, and Bob cut the cord, and then the last one, all three babies were out. I no longer felt the cold; all I wanted to do was hold my babies, but they were placed in the cribs and wheeled out of the room; I did not even get to see them. I was tired and grumpy and annoyed and frustrated. The doctor put staples in my tummy and bandaged me up. A drip was left in my arm, and soon, I was drowsy; did they put a sedative in that drip? I could not stay awake long enough to ask Bob what the babies were. .
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