Chapter 21

1419 Words

Bethany POV Today was the day I could feel it, the day Dad would wake up, and I was right. I knew he felt the babies on him; I saw a slight change in him that told me that he recognized his son was on him, that he could feel and smell him and hear him breathing. He might not have moved or shown any obvious outward signs, but I just knew he was listening to me and taking it all in. Pam sat frozen in place when he stopped me from removing Axel from his chest, and he responded to what I had said; he was more lucid than I had expected, which made me think he had been awake for a while. In that place where you fight to stay asleep because it is easier, I should understand I had been there myself when I was unconscious for so long; I did not want to wake up and was fighting it. The babies w

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