For generations the men in the family turn into a beast. Some call them ugly creatures, killers, and etc. But over time, some of the men change their lifestyle, they become calmer once they learn what they are and how it works. The youngest of their kind that they knew so far, had a family. They ended up having two kids; 1 boy and 1 girl. But once the boy became of age, something had happened where when he turned, his mother was there to try to help him but ended up getting hurt in the process while his father was out on business. Over the years, he blamed himself and locked himself away in their castle. Never wanted to come out for anything not until his father had remarried to a woman who had a daughter. A very lovely woman but what he nor everyone else, she ended up being his mate. A sister for a mate. But that’s another story to tell. This is about the young man on how everything had happened.