Chapter 4

1906 Words
Chris’s POV— It was late in the evening when I finished the board meetings on the housing project, almost eight o’clock. I feel tired and exhausted! Since last two years my life has been only work and work. My day starts normally at seven in the morning because I am not an early riser but after quick exercise and other morning routines, I have light breakfast and by eight thirty I am already on the way to office and I reach by nine. And once I set foot in the Office, I survive with cups of coffee until late lunch around one or sometimes even two in the afternoon. I spend hardly twenty minutes to finish my lunch and then I smoke a cigar and get back to work. I keep attending meetings, conferences or finish my work in my office and this continues till seven in the evening. I reach home and again at night I work for one hour on my emails and other matters in silence after dinner and only then I go to bed. As soon as I hit the hay I fall asleep because of the tremendous work I do! This has been my schedule and everyone say that it is crazy! Only if they knew what it is heading to! Now in last two months or so, my life has become even busier and crazier! My lunch time has shifted from one to three and most of the days I skip lunch because I use the time for finishing my work or meetings. I leave the office after eight most of the days and while returning home also, I work. I reach home by eight thirty, give a briefing to Dad and then I sit half an hour to check and answer emails even before dinner! I shower and have dinner and again work till eleven at night and only then I go to sleep. On top of this, my mobile keeps ringing and at least four days in a week I don’t get sleep at night despite being tired because I have to be on video conference with people of other countries where it maybe evening or afternoon when it is midnight in London. That is how my life has become and I can only imagine with the expansion, how it will be like. “Chris man! I think you need an assistant or secretary!” Dan says while driving as I sit on the passenger seat going through my agendas of the next day. “Why? Are you going to die or has Laila applied for maternity leave?” I smirk. “Everything is not a joke. You are travelling to Austria and then Italy for work. Don’t you think you would need someone to travel along? Someone who would manage your schedules and help you even in your free time?” Dan chuckled meaningfully. Now I raise an eyebrow at him closing my mobile. “What are you trying to imply?” “I am happy that Mr Senior Hamilton is after your life for marriage! You actually need a smart wife!” Dan smirks punching my arm. “Yeah! Start looking for a job then, you have one year for that!” I say nonchalantly and he frowns. “You can’t be serious! I am not only your employee but also your best friend and you won’t survive a day without me Chris! Admit it and forget about replacing me.” Dan says rolling his eyes. “Yes, only if you stop being a d**k all the time.” I scoff and then I ask him, “How far is the bar? And couldn’t you handle this yourself?” One of our Clients who will purchase twenty apartments from us in our upcoming project in Italy has invited me for a drink and Dan couldn’t or didn’t try to manage! He accepted on my behalf and now I am on my way to the bar. “You should also try to be a bit social! You need to keep your clients happy so that they make you happy.” Dan replies. Next ten minutes he keeps talking but I ignore him completely. Tomorrow I have a morning flight and I just want to get this meeting done with so that I can return home and get some sleep. “Here we are, right in time!” Dan says as he gets off the car and opens my side of the door. I have told him repeatedly not to do this but he won’t listen. One way his professionalism is very impressive. He maintains a perfect balance between being friend and being an assistant. We walk inside as soon as we step out of the vehicle. Arnold and Michael have also come but in another vehicle and they closely follow us inside. As we reach the lobby the manager immediately greets us and Dan talks to him about the reservation and he leads us inside the VIP lounge a part of which has been completely booked by us for privacy and safety. He leads us to our table and I check the watch. It is eight twenty five and the client Mr Johnson will be here at eight thirty. I mentally calculate and decide that I can’t spend more than one hour here. “Good Evening Mr Johnson! Welcome!” Dan’s voice makes me look up and find Mr Johnson walking towards us. I don’t bother to stand up and just extend my hand still seated. Yes, you are right I am a bit arrogant because my life is not easy and I don’t have time for sweet pleasantries. My time is divided into priorities and so are my pleasantries. Of course if Mr Johnson could have given me at least more than fifty million dollars of profit, I would have stood up, smiled and shaken his hand and the place would not have been a bar. I would have organised a separate party for celebrating. “Good evening Mr Chris!” he shakes hands and Dan ushers him to sit. “Good evening Mr Johnson. So how is London treating you?” I ask formally as I have to. Dan orders our drinks as we talk. “Good. I like London a lot and in fact I have a row house here in London.” Mr Johnson says. “Really! Good. Then we are basically neighbours ha?” I smile. “Yes, you can say that. But now I am moving to Italy and when I decided to buy properties there, I couldn’t think of anyone else other than you!” Mr Johnson says and that time the waiter comes with our drinks and snacks. He looks at him briefly and whispers, “Thank you” “I am happy that you thought of us.” I reply briefly. “Cheers to that!” Dan lifts his glass and we all clink our glasses and sip our drinks. “Mr Chris, I do have another proposal for you. In fact, I have two proposals, one from me and another from my business partner, Mr John.” Mr Johnson says and I look at the watch. It is nine and I have half an hour more. “Ok. I am listening.” I tell sipping my drinks and now looking at him with interest. “What kind of money are we talking about?” “It can be a billion or more if utilised properly.” He whispered bending over the table as if someone might here us. “Please go on.” I say shaking my head. “First proposal is from my end. I own a chain of big showrooms here in London which I want to sell off since I am moving to Italy permanently with my family and those are not only located in very good business joints, I will sell them at my purchase rate. I am not keeping any profit since I need the money in cash.” He says and then looks at Dan, “You have seen two of my showrooms in fact, Mr Daniel.” Dan nods. “I know you have acquired a diamond brand and I am sure you would come out with showrooms!” he indicates and I just hum. Our drinks are repeated. “Well, since I will be out of London for a month, Dan can go and see the showrooms. If they are interesting then we can close the deal over video call or once I return.” I say and again look at my watch. Nine twenty. That means I have ten more minutes only. I cannot compromise the timing since I have to go to bed by ten thirty since I will have to wake up at five in the morning and leave for the airport by five thirty. “What else Mr Johnson?” I ask and he seems to think for a second and then says with a jerk, “Oh yes! About my partner’s proposal, Mr John is also into some different kind of business, if you can understand. Umm.. he owns a few NGOs and he exports certain materials which…let’s say cannot be directly exported. He makes a lot of money from this and is looking for a person to invest in his business. We are talking about billions here, Mr Chris! So..” “I am not interested.” I say bluntly and look at my watch; it is one minute left to nine thirty. I gulp down my drink and stand up. “You will have to excuse me Mr Johnson, I have to leave now. I have an early flight in the morning. It was a pleasure meeting you and Dan will take care of the showrooms you proposed and also your agreement regarding the properties in Italy.” We shake hands and I leave, gesturing Dan to keep giving company to our guest. I walk fast down the stairs when suddenly from the corner of my eyes, I see a familiar face which makes me stop for a second. Down on the dance floor is that beautiful woman who has recently captured my mind, Raina. She is wearing a tight black off shoulder dress that ended quite a few inches above her knees. Her black hair moves from left to right as she dances with a few of her friends, both girls and boys. Her beautiful smile makes every eye turn to her. Her sexy body and the way she moves her hips is alluring. I look at my watch. It is nine thirty two. I look at her again. ‘Shall I go and say hi or maybe have a drink with her? It seems the right time to even share a kiss! Those lips are so inviting and I have been thinking about tasting her so much!’ – I stop, thinking about going to her for a moment but then the next day’s busy schedule and shortage of time puts me into a dilemma and I decide to leave when suddenly her eyes meet mine and she waves at me.
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