Dissolving Moon: The Search

1181 Words

Kai’s POV: As soon as she fell asleep, I walked outside, hoping to spot the wolf again. I felt a connection to the animal, no that felt wrong the word animal. The word that came was friend, no brother, family. I searched the area and found his footprint. The scent was just so familiar. I looked round for any other evidence, but there was nothing. It was as if the wolf appeared and then just disappeared again. I felt someone staring at me. When I looked up, Joe was staring down at me with a curious look on her face. I waved at her and then quickly sprinted back upstairs to her. She turned as I entered the room “Where you looking for something?” I took her in my arms “Yeah, I though I saw a wolf there, but I must have been wrong” “You could have, there are quit a few packs in this area”

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