Chapter 13 Angel POV

1047 Words

Looking at everyone, in a round gesture, I positioned myself to fight, and with a smile, my hand outstretched and curling my fingers, I invited one of the warriors to advance. He immediately takes the bait and lunges at me with all his might, and I hit him with a punch in the stomach, and the sound of ribs cracking echoes in the air. The other 4 attack at the same time, while the first one curls up in pain, on the floor. I reached down and swept the legs of one of them, hitting him full in the face with a punch, leaving him whimpering as he grabbed his broken nose. Throwing one leg back, I hit another in the leg, and the bone snapped, leaving him screaming in pain on the floor. The other 2 warriors hesitate, but silently combine their next attack. In seconds, the two lunge at me, and I do

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