Chapter 2

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"Thank you for the Invite, Drakon." There was no need for me to call him lord, because he did not call me as so. Formalities seemed to be the last thing on this dïck's mind. I raised my hand, pushing my fingers forward into a kind of "point." Motioning for my men to attack. He did the same. I watched as it all played out, and as much as I hate to admit it, his men might be less in numbers, but they were greater in skill. Nevertheless, my men would win, there was no question. He was down to maybe 16 men? And I still had hundreds. I could tell by his hesitation that he wanted to join the fight. To help his men. I wouldn't let that happen. And I was the first to strike. My weapon drawn, when our blades collided, sparks exploded. It had been quite some time since I had fought, saber on saber, in a real battle. His skills were beyond impressive, he liked to counter act, his defensive skills were all too impressive. My blade surprised him by striking from below, and he jumped inhumanly high to avoid it. It was like this man was some sort of ninja, evading my strikes with such ease. Jumping and slicing through the air. Using the force I pulled a crumbling wall down, and using his surprise to my advantage, I kicked his saber from his hands. Sure the odds were now unfair, but that is how you win. As I began striking towards him, he had the cockiness to begin a conversation, a tricky conversation, and one that I did not wish to engage. "How does it feel Ren? To be the failed grandson" he breathed as he ducked a blow, "of Darth Vader?" My next strike was anger, not strategy, and that was my first mistake. He used my condition, and punched the saber out of my hands, and we began to interact in hand-to-hand combat. "How does it feel Drakon." I seethed "to be a nobody, when you lose this battle." Breathe. "Well. I'm fighting a somebody, so that has to count, yeah?" I made a direct blow to his stomach, and he fell. I turned slightly around to search for my Lightsaber when I felt a light weight upon my back. He was on my back. "You're a light weight, aren't you?" I asked as I grabbed his forearm that was around my neck and swung him with all my force over my back and onto the ground. I heard a groan as I saw sparks flying from his helmet. He coughed, and it sounded unaltered. I must have broken the Voice modulator. But he didn't take off the helmet. He flipped onto his feet and held out his hand, using the force to draw in our lightsabers. I did the same, and in the exact same moment, our sabers met, I heard his light scratchy breath, and he grunted in effort. I was physically stronger. I pushed him back with the force and sliced into his stomach armor, I smiled as I saw rivers of blood falling from his abdomen. His blade fell, and within moments I was on top of him, my light saber threatening to slice his head off. But I didn't. I was under strict orders by Supreme leader Snoke. But I would give anything to kill this prîck. It was impossible for me to be able to manipulate him with his mask on. And considering his weak situation, I could probably try to manipulate him, if his mask was off. "The mask." I growled, "take it off." His body went still under mine. I could tell he was going to lose consciousness in a little because of his blood loss. "W-what?" The voice said and I frowned at how light and raspy it sounded. There was also definitely an accent there. Without waiting for him to say anything I ripped the mask from his suit, and froze. He was a she. Holy fücking fück. She had golden-gray eyes. He orbs were gray, and the outer rim was encircled with a ring of gold. Piles and piles of long jet black hair fell from her helmet. She had incredibly pale skin, high cheekbones, and red lips, but that was probably because I punched her in the face. She looked exotic of a sort. But when you looked into her eyes you could see the dark side. The dark side was strong with her. "What." I said as I lost my composure. This changes nothing. ...okay. Maybe it changes something, but I couldn't let the appearance of my enemy effect my mission. "What...what is your name?" I asked sternly as I saw her eyes flutter. "C-Cora..." She mumbled before she lost consciousness. CHAPTER 4 CORA POV: A searing pain shot through my abdomen, and then was quickly replaced with something cold. I squinted as my blurry eyes, became clear. I felt something press against my stomach once more, and looked up to see a storm trooper tending to my Lightsaber wound. Lightsaber wound.... Storm trooper... My eyes shot up, and I began struggling, only to find myself being restrained against metal clamps. The trooper left the room, probably to notify Kylo the creep that I had woken up. Dammit. The scrutinizing pain, burned through me as I struggled. I've been taken by the first order. My breathing became heavy, and I felt my heart drop. I've been taken by the first order.... Lord Goreum will kill me. Unless the first order beats him to it. I stopped pulling against the restraints, figuring that it was pointless. But then again, there has to be a point in this entire situation. Sure maybe the reason why Kylo Ren didn't kill me, is because I'm a girl. But he had ordered me to take off my mask, and he couldn't have had any suspicions on my gender, I was so preserved and I kept the secret well. Also he looked like he saw a fücking ghost when he ripped the mask off my head. My guess is that he was under orders not to kill me. For now. I grimaced again as I pulled on the metal. "You know you shouldn't struggle, you'll open your wound back up." Came the modified voice of Kylo Ren. I continued to pull on the metal bars, just because it would piss him off, and I think that's funny. But he seemed collected. I looked at his mask; it was black and grey metal. It was a shield so that I couldn't see them man that lay underneath. Was he hideous underneath? Did his mask hide what he really was? A monster in the flesh? I pulled again, on my restraints. "Like I said." His dark voice came, "You wouldn't want your wounds opening up." I pulled again and seethed at him. I really hate this guy. KYLO REN POV: "I need to speak to Snoke." I demanded to General Hux. He smiled and pointed his chin up when he talked, "Supreme Leader Snoke asked for absolutely no interruptions." I felt my anger boil, as I made a move to push past him. He stepped out of my way. "He isn't in." He smirked. My temper rose. "When can I see him?" I asked, the anger evident in my voice. "On his word. He never said when he'd be back. Only for no one to interrupt him, until he says otherwise." He sighed with no remorse "better luck next time Ren." In one movement I shot him to the other side of the room. He groaned as he collided with two storm troopers. I walked over to his landing space as he tried to collect himself. "Oh and I forgot to tell you Huxy. That guy Drakon, is actually that girl Drakon." I chuckled darkly, as I stepped over his struggling body, and to where this....Cora girl was. She had passed out from minimal blood loss, and according to doctors, exhaustion, But I guess murdering an entire city for no reason, gives you all accessibility to exhaustion. I had carried her light body on board the ship where I put her armor and saber into holding, and put her into the medical ward, where they bandaged her up, and sent her into interrogation. I grunted as I walked in, she was strapped to the board, held down by unbreakable iron clamps. She wore rags, which I had assumed were the under clothes she wore from the armor. She looked deep in thought as she was frantically pulling on the bars. "You know you shouldn't struggle." I muttered, "you'll open your wounds back up." In all reality I didn't give a shït if she opened her wounds up or not. The sound of her pitiful escape attempts was beginning to irk me. She stopped moving and stared into my mask. Almost as if she was trying to read me. Her golden-gray eyes moving along the features of my mask as her orbs bled into me. When she failed to read me, she gave another useless pull, and winced at the aftershock her struggles made to her wound. "Like I said." I growled, "You wouldn't want your wounds opening up." She pulled again. This bïtch. I rolled my eyes as I focused on hers, I was trying to get inside her head, to figure out the next battle plan the shadows had organized, and to find the location of their ship, so the first order could destroy them. So that I could destroy them. It was too hard with my helmet on. So I reluctantly unfastened it, and gave a sharp pull. I grunted as I saw her eyes seize me up. Her eyes raking all down me, don't get me wrong. I did the same with her. Just while she was "asleep" My eyes locked onto hers as I began searching her mind. But she was too strong with the force. I felt as though my head would burst with the effort of trying to break through the block she had on. But it was impossible. Lord Goreum must have trained her well. I decided to verbally interrogate her. "Lord Drakon." I breathed as she looked up at me, her waist length jet black hair falling around her shoulders. "I had always thought you were a man." I chuckled, "I suppose everyone will be quite surprised to hear that the, new, most feared Sith Lord, is actually a girl." I looked at her skin, and body frame, "And a young girl at that." She looked so young, and innocent of a sort, but she was just the opposite. She showed no emotion. " it?" She was so collected, almost as if she was flying off into another world, behind those exotic eyes. She nodded absentmindedly. I began to fire questions, "how old are you? How old were you when you began training? Where are your parents? Have you ever met your parents? When did you become a Sith Lord?" She shrugged at me, "I have no problem at answering the personal questions, Kylo Ren" she spat. I noticed her exotic accent as she spoke. "But I find it curious as to why you would want to know the personals..." I suddenly felt her inside my head, "when all you want to know is the location of my ship, and my reasoning for attacking those planets, and our next battle strike plan." I pushed her out with a furious snarl. "The personals would help." I spoke low and calculated. She shrugged her slim shoulders, a strand of hair getting caught on her shirt, but she didn't seem to care...not that she could do anything about it. "Suit yourself, Ren. My name is Cora Drakon. I am seventeen years old, I have trained ever since I can remember, I never had a home, Lord Goreum took me a day after my birth. I don't know my parents, and I have no recollection of even having parents..." She stared directly at me in the eyes. "I became a Sith Lord..." She smiled, "Yesterday, when I murdered the civilians in those towns of Jakku."
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