Chapter 5: Can't We Be Together?

1300 Words
*** Ariana's POV*** I looked around at the pack of wolves surrounding me. I was sure the three were from the Starlight Song pack, and only Patty was from the neutral pack. However, it seems like her concern about me getting between her and Alex was starting to make her act a little less neutral. I wish I could be cocky and mock Patty back. But that wasn't possible. There were four of them and only one of me. I slowly backed myself away from the three who approached me, growling. Patty stood on a large rock a few feet away, looking down at us all. I shot a spiteful look her way before looking back at the three moving closer to me. I decided I better try to do something rather than have them set upon me against my will. So I took a lunge at the wolf to the left of me, landing a fist right in their eye. They let out a yelp and moved back, but before I could do anything else, the other two struck me hard with their enormous paws. I was tossed upwards and against a tree. My head felt heavy, and the world seemed to spin as I struggled to get rid of them. Unfortunately, I did not have enough energy to make the transition, and rather I felt my head hit the ground in exhaustion. I felt like I was fading in and out of reality when I heard a loud howl. ***Triton's POV*** I dashed full speed through the leaf scattered floor of the forest. It was getting dark earlier now, and it was getting difficult to see where I was going. But I could smell her. She was close, and she was in danger. I needed to get there. After just a couple of minutes, I heard a commotion up ahead and could just make out the silhouette of someone standing on a rock. I could tell it was Patty as I approached, but I did not stop to deal with her. I jumped into the group of wolves and stood between them and Araian. I did not see her yet, but something inside me said she was injured, which made me furious. The other three wolves noticed who I was and immediately bowed to the ground. I was their future alpha, and they could not question me. I heard Patty leap down from the rock where she was perched. She snarled and started to approach me slowly. I stood poised to fight, but instead, I tried to reason with her. "Get out of here, Patty," I told her firmly, "they won't fight for you against me. I am the son of their leader, and you know this. Get out of here. Get out of here, all of you." Patty continued growling and getting closer. She finally said, "I want her done with. Alex is mine, and she just won't accept that!" "Don't worry," I said to her angrily, "it's you and Alex now, okay? But, leave her alone. Stand down, all of you!" After a long time of staring each other down, she finally backed off and ran away. The other three lingered a moment (maybe afraid I'd be angry with them), but when I said nothing, they finally left as well. I was finally alone with her. I knelt beside her and touched her arm gently. She flinched slightly when my hand touched her arm. She looked up at me and smiled slightly but seemed a little dazed. She was gorgeous. It was funny. I've been going to school with her for a while and never really knew who she was up until I smelled her scent. "Are you alright?" I asked her calmly as I gently helped her sit up. "I'm a little light-headed. I hit the tree pretty hard when they hit me. But, thank you. You are Triton, right?" She answered me, speaking slowly but with a smile on her face the whole time. I nodded, "Yes, I am. And, you are Ariana?" I asked. Thankfully, I hadn't forgotten my enemy's name. She nodded. She was quiet for a moment. As I helped her to her feet, she looked absentminded. It seemed strange to me because all I could feel was her. It was like she and I were inseparable. But, from the look in her eyes, she did not seem to feel what I felt. "Are you okay? Do you smell anything?" I asked her hesitantly. I wasn't really sure how to ask that question, but I guessed it was the easiest way I could think of asking. She laughed lightly and answered, "Well, not really. I smell leaves. But, nothing abnormal. Oh, but it's probably just because I am feeling really out of it." She must've noticed I had a slight look of discomfort at her answer, so she wanted to make me feel better. I thought that was sweet of her. I was a little disappointed she did not seem to notice my scent as her mate. How could she not know? "Let me take you to the hospital," I said gently. I had this overwhelming desire to be near her. To protect her. But, I also felt terrified about it all. She was from the rival pack. She was the daughter of Shining Moon pack's alpha. But, she was also my mate. What did this mean? My moon goddess. "I guess if you wouldn't mind, I could give you a ride to the hospital." She said to me, interrupting my thoughts. I smiled and nodded as I helped her to her feet. She had her arm flung over my shoulder as I led her to my car in the school parking lot. I helped set her down gently and got in, and started the car. "This must seem so strange if someone saw us." She said with a giggle. "What do you mean?" I asked with a nervous chuckle as I pulled out of the parking spot. "You being a Starlight Song pack, and I am in Shining Moon pack." She answered me with a slight laugh again. I could tell she was nervous being in the car with me. I wanted to help her feel more comfortable, but that was not really my specialty. I cleared my thought several times before I thought of what to say. "Yeah, I guess they just won't find out about this," I said with my nervous laugh. "So, why were they following you? Patty is supposed to be a neutral pack member." She shrugged and then grimaced when the pain hit her arm. Finally, she let out a breath and answered, "she is angry because Alex is my ex-boyfriend. Apparently, they found out they're soulmates. I did not find my soulmate, though." That was what solidified it for me. She had no idea that we were mates. I guessed maybe she hadn't turned 18, and she couldn't shift. If she could, her sense of smell would be as good as mine. Then she would notice we were mates. I couldn't stop being addicted to her wonderful smell. But it scared me. Part of me hoped she would never find out who I was and that we were mates. We are rival packs. We can't be together. It's ludicrous. "Thanks for taking me to the hospital." She said with a grin as we pulled up to the hospital. I helped her in and waited for her to finish to take her home. It was nice to be with her. It was a feeling of completeness. Only, I knew deep down; I could never be with her. I just did not know what to do about it. I wanted to figure it out, though. ###
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