Chapter 5

639 Words
"Sure." Jacinta shrugged. Georgia left the room and returned before Jacinta could make a run for it. Jacie watched as she returned with things to heal her, to help clean her up. "Remove your shirt and climb onto the bed- laying on your stomach." Georgia said gently while she got the materials she brought all set up. Jacinta did as she was told, knowing it would be easier to comply with the woman rather than argue. She would just allow Georgia do what ever she felt was necessary and then Jacinta could leave. For the first time in forever she was relaxed at someone else's touch. Georgia had used a warm rag and was working on cleaning up the blood that covered her back. Georgia didn't say another word about the bruises, the scars and the welts that were currently marking her back. For that, Jacinta was thankful. "Did you want to stay in here tonight?" Georgia whispered. "Sure." Jacinta spoke snuggling closer to the soft pillows. They laid in silence, Jacinta shifting uncomfortably in her bed. "What's wrong?" Georgia asked like a concerned sister. "I can't sleep like this." "Do you want to switch sides?" Georgia offered. "No, I mean I can't sleep if I'm not in my form." "Oh," Georgia spoke surprised, her eyes widening slightly. "It's for safety reasons." Jacinta explained. "Well you can change in here, I don't mind. We do puppy piles in our pack too." "You do?" Jacinta asked. She had never heard of such a thing. "It's just another way of connecting, it puts our wolves at ease being with the family and also allows our relationship with one another to grow stronger. Maybe once everything gets corrected, you can join in." Georgia smiled, reassuring her that things were going to get fixed. The way that the young girl's eyes lit up at the thought of being able to be apart of a group, made georgia sad. Her heart broke for the young girl who had to be no older than nineteen who was isolated from her pack . Nineteen years of severe abuse, it made Georgia want to throw up. "Now, why don't you shift so we can get some sleep? Tomorrow is going to be a big day." "Ok, but I have to tell you. The reason why the others don't like me is because I'm different." She hesitated afraid she was going to scare off the other women. "I don't shift into a wolf...I am a fox." "A fox?" Georgia gasped surprised. "That's super rare, will you show me?" Without another word Jacinta shifted, sure enough; there at the foot of her bed was a small dusty fox, no more than a foot tall and a foot and a half long, weighing maybe thirty-five pounds. Her paws were black, as well at her nuzzle. She was adorable. It stumped Georgia as to why they would treat sure a rarity, as an abomination-not the gift that it was. "You're so cute." Georgia spoke reaching her hand out and running it through her soft fur. They sat like that for about five minutes, before Georgia realized how tired Jacinta was. "Alright, lets go to bed." Jacinta shuffled under the covers, liking the feeling of being buried and fell into a peaceful sleep. Days had passed and there was no sign of Georgia's brother. Jacinta couldn't help but feel disappointed. She thought she was going to be able to leave this hell hole, but it was looking like it may never happen. Since the night Jacinta showed Georgia her form, the duo had grown close. It was nice to have someone who cared about her, especially after the beatings she received from Darren or one of the others. She had been cleaning the kitchen after breakfast when Georgia appeared at her side.
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