Chapter 2

985 Words
"Shh, its ok. You're ok." A kind voiced whispered. Was she dead, she wondered. But by the wet she felt, and the shaking of her body, she knew that she was anything but. She wasn't lucky enough escape this hell hole. Jacie laid still, trying to collect herself. It was a girl who was with her, running her fingers through Jacie's hair, whispering soothing words to her which helped calm her. "You're ok." The kind voice repeated. Jacie opened her eyes for the first time, curious to see who would stick up for her and stop Alec from murdering her. Who was stay to comfort her; to help her, and make sure she was going to be ok. She was slightly surprised to see Georgia, the newest edition sitting beside her. Frowning slightly Jacie took in her savior, wondering why the pretty wolf would help someone of a low rank like herself. Although Georgia was new to the pack, with her beauty she could have been a well respected female. Her auburn hair, bringing out the blue flecks in her eyes. A soft scatter of freckles across her face made her beauty to be a soft and pure kind. Not like the others in the pack who dressed so exposing, had loud personalities and would do anything to bring about attention. No, Georgia didn't need that type of attention on her, for she was the true definition of beauty. "Jacinta, can you walk?" Georgia questioned, her blue eyes glancing down, no doubt looking at the bruises on her neck. "You need to leave." Jacie warned, her voice raspy. She wasn't going to let anyone be subjected to the abuse and punishment that they would get for conversing with a runt. Especially Georgia who didn't know any better. "What?" Georgia asked confused. "They will hurt you for talking to me." She said sitting up, looking around the room at the water mess. The bucket had gotten knocked over at some point and caused a large puddle to take over the dinning room floor. "I think I can manage. Come on, lets get you into some dry clothes." Georgia spoke, wrapping her surprisingly strong arms around Jacie's shoulders. Jacie let her take the lead, leading her up the stairs into what Jacie assumed to be her room. She watched as Georgia rushed about the room grabbing clothing and a blanket. She let her fuss, not quite sure what the girls intentions were but was shocked when Georgia wrapped the blanket over Jacie shoulders and hugged her trying to warm her up. "Here, these may be a little big but you need to change into some new clothes." Georgia instructed. " You are soaking wet, and even though we don't get sick easily, you will if you stay in these. "Why are you doing this?" Jacie asked not sure what to make of the kindness that was being directed at herself. "Doing what?" Georgia asked confused, a worried look on her face. "Being nice to me." "You don't deserve to be abused like that, no one; no matter the rank, does." Jacie didn't say a word, instead she slowly peeled off her wet shirt, and jumped when she heard the gasp and felt warm fingers touching her. She couldn't help but flinch away from Georgia, no used to any type of touch to be kind directed at her. "Why, do they do this to you?" Georgia asked more to herself, not expecting an answer. Jacie knew that Georgia was seeing the scars that littered her back. But if it was from the belt buckle imprints on her skin or the lashes of the whip that caused her to gasp; that she did not know. "To punish me." Jacie whispered. "Why?" "For being different." Jacinta watched as Georgia moved around the room. She was in a tizzy after seeing the marks on her back. She seemed so surprised by the way that the pack treated Jacinta, that she wondered if the pack Georgia came from didn't have a Runt. Most runts were killed young, as it was just too hard for them to survive in the wild. Being in a pack, a runt was just another mouth to feed and a creature more likely to get a disease. That was the last thing a pack wanted, which was why they killed the runts if nature didn't. "Well, I should go. Thank you for your help." Jacie spoke getting up, laying the blanket down on the bed. She was barely able to take a step before was stopped by Georgia. "Wait, you can't go back down there!" Georgia hissed appalled. "I have to, Alpha is going to expect my work to be done." "Does the Alpha know about the abuse?" Georgia asked her brow furrowing. "Yes." "And he allows it to continue?" "Some times he leads them." Jacie shrugged. "That's not right. Not right at all." "It is what it is." "It will be corrected soon, just wait." Georgia said quietly to herself, but Jacie heard her. "What are you taking about?" She questioned confused. "Come here." Georgia spoke reaching to take Jacinta's arm. Jacinta couldn't help but flinch, her natural reaction when someone moved towards her. Having seen this Georgia apologized and retracted her hand. She gestured into the bathroom, leaving Jacinta to stand in the room confused. With a nervous glance to the clock she followed, watching as Georgia turned on the shower and the sink, ushering her inside. "What are you doing?" Jacinta asked slightly amused by the wolf in front of her, turning on all the faucets. "It's harder to be overheard if there is background noise." Georgia whispered. " I want to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone else." "Who do I have to tell?" Jacinta rolled her eyes, a sour laugh coming form her mouth. "Jacinta, I'm serious." Georgia said. "Ok, fine."
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