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The taxi stopped in front of our house and I paid him. The drive home was so short. I guess it was as a result of my been filled with the thought of the mystery man throughout the drive. No man has ever had such an effect on me. Did he affect me this much because he was handsome? Looked wealthy and powerful? I just couldn't fathom why. Maybe I felt this way because I have never had a boyfriend. My focus during my high school and college were mainly academic. I had little or no time for extracurricular activities, it was all about my grades. I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank God the encounter was brief if not, I would have made a fool of myself.” I turned the door handle and it was still locked. I reached for the house key under the flower vase, opened the door and locked it behind me. Dropping the key in the plate on the left side of the door, I reached for my phone and called my brother. His number was going to voicemail. Panicking. “Should I report a missing person? But, it is not up to 24 hours yet.” Let me just relax and wait till evening and if he is still not back, I'll call the police. I went to my room, undressed and changed into something more comfortable. Undressing, I caught myself smiling at the thought of the mystery man. How good it will be to..., “It is so not happening. How can an elegant man like him want me?” I paced from one end of my room to another. I finished undressing and changed into a T-shirt and flip-flop. My stomach growled, making me realize that I only drank coffee since morning. I got to the kitchen to prepare something. Maybe cooking will distract me. Gatherings ingredients for spaghetti and sauce, I hummed. After cooking, I prepared the dining table, dished it for myself and, viciously ate mine. After I finished with dinner, I cleared the dishes. So filled that I could barely breathe I sat on the sofa in the palour. It was 7:00 PM and Evans was still not back. I dialled his number again, and it was still going straight to his voicemail. I decided to listen to music and while waiting for him. After a while, I fell asleep. It was 10:33 PM when I woke up and Evans was still not back. I called his number again, and it went straight to voicemail, again. Now I was really worried so I dialled 911. A knock at the door made me hang up the 911 call. I opened the door and it was Evans. “Run Ava, run,” he whispered before landing on the floor. He was beaten to a pulp. His eyes swollen, lips busted, nose broken and leg fractured. He looked like a bull rammed into him. “What happened to you?” My whole body was trembling, and I was tearing up. He was almost unconscious. I was about to call 911 again when he stopped me. “Ava,” he swallowed hard and continued “I love you so much and did something I shouldn't have, now, we are in trouble. If you have ever loved me” Sobbing, stop, just stop, let me get you to the hospital and...” “It is important you listen. We do not have time. They will be here.” “Who?” “Ava, listen” he tried sitting up but squirms in pain “We are in trouble, and you need to get as far away from here as possible. If you love me, leave. There is cash in the drawer next to my bed, it is $10,000. Take it and go” “Evans, what did you do? I can't and will never leave you.” Almost choking on my tears. “You are stubborn and now is not the time. Go!” He had never asked me to leave, why was he asking me to now? I can't leave my only family. “Evans, whatever you did we will get through it together.” I reached for my phone, but he grabbed it immediately and smashed it on the floor. "You don't get it. It is not something we can get through. They will kill you and me. Just go, please.” I couldn't bear to leave him. I hugged him tightly but he pushed me away. “Just leave Ava.” “Am not leaving,” a large bang on the door broke it open. Six huge, armed, masked men wearing black suits surrounded us. A man around his mid-30s who was not wearing a mask came in last. I was overwhelmed. I moved close to Evans, hugging him right while he held me too. “Man, I'll pay up before the month ends” Evans mumbled as he could barely talk. “You know how this works, I need to collect something. The worst is, you ran from us.” He said with so much disgust. He squashed Evans already fractured leg, and he cried out in pain. I guess they are the reason why he was like this, “Please, leave him alone. Whatever he is owing I'll pay.” The unmasked man looks at me, flashing me a smile that didn't meet his eyes. He hovered around me, bent to my level, inhaled my scent and took a handful of my hair. He was carefully examining my hair, taking in my smell and observing my face. His actions made me uncomfortable, and I backed away from him. My brother grunted in pain. “Leave her alone, man, she is not part of this.” “We already have an agreement, Evans,” he said while getting up, away from me. He punched my brother on his already busted lips. I was about to go to Evans when two strong hands restrained me. All I could do was beg for mercy and cry like a baby. “Please...” “Shhhhhhhh, Princess.” He wiped the tears running down my cheeks with the back of his hand. I leaned away from his hand. He turned to Evans, “as you can see, running away from us is useless. We can, and we will find you wherever you run to. Your loan is now with an interest of $1,000,000. You owe a sum of $4,000,000 now, and I expect you to pay by month-end or else, I am coming to collect. Do I make myself clear?” “But…” “There are no buts, Evans, do you understand?” “Yes,” he nodded. “And, if you or this beauty over here dare involve the police, you will be creating a huge mess. Just be a good boy and pay. Be a good girl and keep quiet.” he said, cupping my face. 'I believe that you both understand what I am saying because there will be grave consequences if you do otherwise.” I couldn't get myself to say anything, so I just nodded to show him that I understood his threat. Without uttering any word, they let me go and left. I slumped to the floor, doing nothing but crying profusely. “What is all this Evans?” I said. My words coming out in whispers. I looked at him and he was barely conscious. There was nothing else to do than help him to the bathroom, run a warm bath for him and, help him freshen up. Since we have been threatened not to call for help.  I helped him to his room, dressed him in tracks, leaving him bare body. I got the first aid kit, dressed his wounds, rubbed an ointment on his fractured leg and bandage it. He tried to hide his pain from me, but I could see that he was in pains. There was a lot to ask him, but I had to let him rest. He couldn't even look at me in the and there was nothing to say to him at that moment. “You have to eat something,” I said without looking at him. Whatever he did was for a good reason. “I am not hungry.” He replied, looking away. “We are not arguing over this because you are exhausted and can barely talk.” I went to the kitchen, fetched him a glass of sparkling water with the spaghetti with sauce. He ate three forkfuls abandoning the rest. “Are you done?” “Yes.” I brought painkillers, Tylenol and ibuprofen, making sure that he drank them. “Goodnight. Get some rest.” I mumbled. “Teddy Bear, I know we have a lot to talk about, but I promise you everything will be fine.” I couldn't reply so I just nodded. I don't want to have this conversation if not, I was just going to cry my eyes out. “Good night Teddy. I love you.” The words coming out more like an apology than affectionate. I didn't reply instead I just smiled at him. I took the remaining drugs back to the cabinet and went back to my room. Exhausted from crying and the confusion, I fell asleep almost immediately.
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