I stare at Silver in expectation, waiting for him to start talking, but he doesn’t. He looks frozen under my searching gaze. I take a few steps closer, but not to intimidate him in any way. I want to show him, that he can trust me. It’s still just me, Silver. No matter who else I’m bonded to, this changes nothing between us, I try to assure him. You’re bonded to a God, Arya. How does this not change anything? he argues, making me sigh in frustration. I take another step closer and reach out with my hand. He studies me for a moment, before closing the distance between us with hesitation. I smile as soon as I touch his soft muzzle. See? It still feels the same. And not only that, aren’t you glad, that we can talk without having to touch each other? I ask, trying to paint a positive p