#Chapter 15 Love At The First Sight

1551 Words

Rachel POV The Next Night – 8 PM Tyler had been true to his word and never shown up at the garden for the rejection ceremony. I had sat there for the entire day until time for work. I kept thinking he might be testing me. I should have known he would do exactly as he said. Tyler Wright was a man of his word if nothing else. Bella had tried to convince me to take several days off work. I was having dizzy spells if I stood too quickly and I often felt nauseated though I had yet to begin having any vomiting. The obstetrician had suggested I eat small portions many times a day to keep my blood sugar up. He had also said to drink fluids regularly as well as to stay off my feet. I knew I wasn't far enough along with my pregnancy to have swelling yet, but I did notice my feet more. I fel

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