#Chapter 51 Let's look at our daughter

1535 Words

Rachel POV Moonrise Entertainment - Tyler's Office (Executive Level) "Alpha has a clear schedule today," Lonnah prompted, a look of compassion on her face I didn't want to examine too closely. "Ask him if he has time for me to come in. Please." I knew I was putting myself into a potentially miserable situation, but I found I couldn't leave pictures of my growing daughter behind as if I were ashamed. She was only a tiny blip on the scan and I already loved her more than my own life. I desperately wanted Tyler to be pleased to learn he was having a daughter. Lonnah tapped her Bluetooth headset with a manicured finger, quickly paging Tyler and explaining I was present right outside his door. I couldn't hear his replies to her. She reached down to buzz me in though so Tyler must have ag

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