Esme's Vision

3185 Words

That night, Esme wrote down everything she had found out about the clans, studying them, engraving them in her memory, so if she was ever to come face to face with any one of them, she would be aware of what they were capable of. It was around 2 in the morning when she finally crawled into bed to get some sleep. She should have known better and gone to bed earlier, tiredness was not good if she needed to be on high alert and prepared to fight for her life. As she dozed off, the nightmares started. This time it was more like a vision. It was like all the studying she had done brought them to life and she could see them clearly. ..... Merrin was up in the trees of a dark, eerie feeling forest, her eyes glowing through the murk. Suddenly she pounced and Esme could see and feel the terror of

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