
2467 Words

    There was no point in arguing with him, so she stayed in silence the whole journey back to the pub. Cotlon didn't even park in the car park where he usually does, he drove straight over the fields and pulled up right outside the barn. He got out and opened the back door for her to get out which she reluctantly obeyed, then followed slowly behind him into the old building. Finding 2 fold up chairs leaning up against the wall, he places them in the middle of the room and sits down on one of them, while gesturing to Esme to sit on the other. Stroppily she walks over, releasing her arms from across her chest in a huff, storms over to the chair and plonks herself down, fed up with how Colton is acting.  "Do you realise how important it is that you are safe and protected at all times Esme?"

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