The Invitation

3282 Words

    Esme sat down on her bed once Colton had left the room, trying to get her heart rate to return to normal, she was so close to kissing him and it excited her. Flopping back onto the bed she picture his body, his lustful eyes, those kissable lips and she wanted more. Deciding to go and find our how James was doing she went down into the pub to see if she could find Hunter. Spotting him sitting in his usual booth with Zeke, she headed over there and sat down next to him. "What happened to James? Is he alright?" "He's fine Esme. It happens to all of us so we know what to expect and how to deal with it." "What happens to you all? I don't understand what's going on?" "You see Esme, we don't transform as soon as we're born. It can happen anytime after your 16th birthday. For me and Zeke,

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