Nicole's eyes fell onto me as I sat in the first period on Monday. I had been waiting for the past ten minutes, impatiently, for her to get here. Without realising it I slammed my hands onto the table in anticipation for her to sit down. Her voluptuous, glossed lips popped into an 'o' as she started slowly backing out of the door. "Nicole!" I demanded. She grinned and gave up her act, walking to come sit next to me. She pulled her pastel pink beanie with cat ears off of her head, sending a few champagne coloured locks astray. "What now, Luci?" I pouted. "You aren't excited about what I'm excited about?" "Just tell me." she said as she pinched her white tights, pulling them higher up her thighs. She patted her dark green skirt down and I raised my eyebrows at her as she met my eye again