End for us.

1074 Words

~Aria~ I had shifted back to my human form a couple of minutes after I met Laikan. I wore a maternity shirt, and a jacket over it. We couldn’t stand facing each other while being naked. I was alone in Jeema’s room, she did not allow us to use her room because there was nowhere for us to have a conversation. Their house has been an uproar, and Argus was on the run, we believed he was hiding somewhere in the pack. Argus was surprised when his men turned their back against him and wanted to see his end. I heard the door open and then push shut. I spun around taking my gaze off the window. He looked like he had aged an entire two years in a month it’s been since I last saw him, the bags under his eyes, sunken posture, and furrowed brows. I felt a minuscule amount of sorrow for him.

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