Chapter 6

1099 Words

Chapter Six I'm glad to be back in Ambrose's office. Mostly because it gives us some privacy to talk about things and work them through in our own way. “So what do we do now?” I ask Ambrose. “Go out in the field and gather clues?” I pick up my mug of black tea and drink some of it down. “That’s not quite how it works,” he says, crushing my dreams. “I’m not the lead Detective on the case, like I have been on the others we've worked on. But even if I was, there isn’t really anything we can do right now. Some uniforms will go over the old crime scenes where the bodies were found and we can look for connections between our five victims, but Dean is already on that.” I sigh. “How can such an exciting case be so boring?” A knowing smile spreads over his face, as if he had the same thought.

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