Chapter 3

981 Words

Chapter Three To my surprise, we don't head back to the station. Ambrose seems to be on a mission and he's bringing me along for the ride even if he hasn't told me what's going on. But that's okay. I can tell that something about the case Stacey showed him has rattled him. The file sits on my knee now, but I don't open it, even if I'm itching to. I'm not sure how I know, but I can tell that this is the kind of thing he has to tell me in his own time. Ambrose takes a shaky breath. “Chantelle DeLaney,” he says, not taking his eyes off the road. I stare at Ambrose, not sure if that name is supposed to mean something to me. He pulls the car to a stop at a red light, but I still don't say anything as I wait for him to explain. I’m not usually the patient type but I can tell he’s struggling.

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