IV. Still You

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Sky   Ninety- four. Ninety- five. Ninety- six. Ninety- seven. Ninety- eight. Ninety- nine. One hundred. I got off the treadmill, panting. Beads of sweat trailed from my forehead down to my temple, to my cheeks, neck and torso. I enjoyed it a lot. I liked the adrenaline pumping into my veins as I caught my breath. Trying to erase her from my mind and let go of all these sinful desire, it was impossible. I waited outside the restaurant, hoping she would come out, but I didn’t see her. She was gone using the back door. Did she have a car? I didn’t have any idea. Even the bartender, I didn’t see her. I owned that restaurant for Pete’s sake, but I couldn’t do anything. I was consumed by the shock and surprise of seeing her. My feet were glued to the ground, not knowing what to do. It was until the lights were finally off and the restaurant was completely dark that I finally decided to hail a cab and go home. I had no choice. She left. Again. And she had now a family. A family of her own. I went straight to the gym to work out, hoping I could forget about her for a while? Why so eager? Well, she was destroying my sanity. I was getting insane and f*cking distracted. I walked to the glass windows of my penthouse and leaned my elbows on it, looking at the night life of New York City. Somehow, it managed to calm me down. However, I couldn’t deny that I’ve been thinking about the reasons why she was gone back then. She left without a trace. I tried my best to find her even if I got no hint. Went to all the places we had been too. Everywhere in the city. I even hired someone. It was like everything like planned like she made sure there would be no any trace so I could find her. Her family. They moved to another place and I don’t know where. I felt so hopeless. I felt tired of waiting. I distracted myself, f****d a lot of women in the bar, and drowned myself into alcohol. After those, I laid eyes on Khloe and Sapphire was finally out of my mind or so I thought. Khloe was a daughter of my parents’ business partners, Rob and Sophie Evans. But, Khloe was so stubborn. She always pushed me away. I guessed she also thought I was that bad. Every time I called her and asked her on a date, it was always a big fat NO. It was until I found out that she was the woman that my college buddy. Caleb Anderson talked about. It was when I realized they were meant to be and I should be out of their way. I had no choice, but be happy for her and my friend. They deserved each other. And I was back to hoping again. Hoping. Still hoping I could see her again. She never left my mind. I always thought about her. It made me so crazy thinking that I didn’t know how and what she was doing, if she was okay or not. Of course, I cared. I sighed, watching the busy streets at night in New York. Caleb and Sapphire were actually best friends. Back in college, they were always together, I got sore eyes every time I saw them in the campus together. Caleb was silent and I couldn’t tell if he had some liking towards her bestfriends. He was not a bad guy. We even went along together somehow. But jealousy was heavy sometimes such as what happened back then in a normal day. Normal day meant chasing the badass nerd. ***     My instinct was telling me to follow after her and I did.     "Sky, where are you going?" I heard Luke, one of my friends, asked.     I just looked at them for a second before turning on my heels again and chased after the badass nerd, who was walking fast ahead of me out of the hallway. She was heading to the opposite building.     Damn. She walks fast.     "Collins." I panted when I stopped beside her and slung an arm over her shoulder. She was startled and halted for a few seconds before shrugging my arm off and started walking again. "Hey, wait up!"     She stopped, turned around to face me and raised a brow. "Are we close?"     "No, unless you want us to be."     She snorted, rolled her eyes and continued walking again.     Where are you going?" I was completely aware of what I was doing and I didn't even know for myself why I kept chasing after the badass nerd in school.     "Why do you care, Butler?" She asked, still walking.     "I don't. I'm bored and my friends went somewhere." That two statements were both complete lies. First, I cared about her. And second, I just lied. I didn't even know if the three idiots went somewhere. I just made it up as an excuse, which sounded lame.     I heard her chuckle. "Why they did leave you?"     "Nope. I left them." I fastened my pace so I could stop beside her again.     "Whatever." She mumbled.     "Collins."     "What?" She snapped, annoyed.     "Where are you going?" I asked for the second time.     "Why do you keep asking that and why are you still following me?"     Why, Sky?     "So what if I'm coming with you?" I frowned.     "Oh, really? People will see us and think different of me."     "Sky, you're a playboy and I'm a Plain Jane in this institution. I have nothing to do with you. So, please. Go wherever you want to be now."     We were on the stairs probably heading to the library on the third floor of the building. That hurt coming from my ultimate crush, but I just chuckled and hid it. "That was harsh, Collins."     She stopped, turned to look at me and smiled slightly. "I know, but it's true. Sky, please leave me alone. I don't want any gossips about me if people will see me with you." She stared at me for one long minute before she sighed, looked away and was about to take another step up on the stairs when she tripped on her feet.     I was so quick to take a step down and catch her in my arms before she would completely fall. Her arms went around my neck as she clutched onto me for dear life. She felt as light as a feather in my arms. Our faces were so close to each other. Staring down at her who had her eyes closed, I couldn't help but study how beautiful she looked.     She was wrong. Sapphire Collins was not a Plain Jane but a Badass Beauty. She was a tempting goddess with her very dark brown, curly hair. She might look like a nerd with her thick black-rimmed glasses, but that honestly made her look so sexy. Her pale skin looked so smooth and soft.     Her face was the one that I always saw in my dreams. Yes, the badass nerd kept invading my dreams. It was small, with her high cheekbones, prominent nose, naturally thick brows and long curly lashes. She looked so perfect.     Absent-mindedly, I felt myself leaning down to her pink full lips, until she slowly opened her eyes. They widened when they saw us so close. "W-what are you doing? Put me down this instant." "Your arms." I stared blankly.     She frowned and she finally realized that still had her arms around my neck, she quickly unwrapped them. She swallowed and cleared her throat. "Now, put me down."     I obliged, putting her down in an instant. She breathed heavily when she was finally back on her feet. "You're so clumsy."     "Thanks." She mumbled. "I have to go to the library now."     "You study a lot. Try to enjoy your life sometimes." It was true. Based from my observation, she was always in the library when she didn't have classes. Yes, I secretly watched and admired her from afar.     "My life is happy." She scowled at me. "I have to go now."     She turned around and this time, I had not been following after her anymore. When she stopped at the library doors, she turned around and smiled at me.     I thought my heart just stopped beating. I swore I saw her smile at me. I couldn't be wrong. I was sure I wasn't hallucinating. When I blinked, she was nowhere to be seen anymore. She must and gone into the library already.     Smiling, I turned on my heels and walked downstairs and out of the building. When I was out of the building, I fished my phone out of my jeans pocket and texted Ethan, asking where they were. He replied right away, telling me that they were in the cafeteria.     I walked to the cafeteria and saw my friends seated at a table in the center. They loved the attention always. As I walked to them, I could feel eyes on me, but I just ignored them continued walking until I took the vacant seat beside Ethan. "What's up?"     "Dude, what's up? Where have you been?" Harry asked, popping a strawberry in his mouth. The curly guy couldn't live without berries in a day.     "Yeah. Where did you and Collins go?" Luke asked. His voice was annoyingly loud. I widened my eyes at him, silently asking him to keep his voice down. "Sorry. Just excited."     I rolled my eyes, picking a handful of Lays that was opened on the table. "There's nothing exciting." I munched on the potato chips.     "Jeez. You eat like a pig."     "Shut up, Williams." I told Ethan with my mouth full.     He laughed and shook his head. "Aren't you going to share to us where you drop Collins off?"     "In the library." I honestly told them.     Their eyes widened, completely shocked. I rolled my eyes at their reaction. They were overreacting. "It wasn't anything like that."     "Then, what is it?" Harry smirked.      "She's different." I told them the obvious.     "That's why you like her." Luke said.     I frowned at him. "Who told you that, Henderson?"     "You followed her, Dude and didn't say anything to us." Ethan butted in.     "And that means I like her?" I challenged.     "I'm not sure. I don't know what you feel. You're the one knows."     "Then stop assuming." That shut them up.     Thankfully, they never brought Sapphire up again. We just stayed there, chatting about random guy stuff like workouts and parties. The time was striking to nine thirty. We stayed that long in the cafeteria, just talking and checking some girls out until the doors opened and walked in badass beauty.     The world has stopped turning as my eyes stopped on her. However, my blood started boiling when I saw that she wasn't alone, but with her best friend, Caleb Anderson. I knew they were just best friends, but it still annoyed me.     Why are you jealous?     Yeah, why was I? I knew I shouldn't feel that way because I didn't have the right to, but I couldn't help it. I knew for myself that I liked her, but I just kept dying it to my friends. I didn't want them to make fun of me.     Sapphire and I were polar opposites. My friends would laugh at me if they see me trying to get close with a nerd.     She was laughing with him as they walked towards a vacant table at the corner. It was just the two of them, sitting opposite each other. Before I even knew it, I found myself balling my hands into fists as my eyes squinted at the two.     What are they laughing about?     I was jealous that she was laughing with another guy. She seemed happy with him. My forehead creased into a deep frown when I saw her hand touched his arm. My lips curled. I was seething. All I wanted was to come at their table and punch the living hell out Caleb Anderson.     "Man, listen up!"     I blinked my eyes when I felt a stinging pain on my arm. "What the f**k?!" I scowled at Ethan as I rubbed the spot that he had pinched.     "We've called you for minutes now. What are you looking at?" He reasoned out.     When I didn't say anything, their heads followed my eyesight. Just like that, they all smirk at me and shook their heads. "Okay, we get it now." Luke chuckled.     The guy was the most annoying in the group. He loved to annoy me, and even Ethan and Harry. He was the loudest and the nosiest. Like girls, he loved to gossip and chit chat.     "Shut up, Henderson." I scowled at him.     He laughed even harder, veering the attention of other students. "Why are you so defensive?" He whispered.     "I'm not. What the hell are you talking about? Can you just shut up?"     "Jeez. Fine."     Is he f*****g gay?     I stood up and put one strap of my backpack on my shoulder. "Are you all done?"     "Where are you going? It's break time, dude." Harry said.     Sighing, I took a seat back again. "I just want to get out of here and get some fresh air. We've been in here for hours now." I rubbed my palms all over my face, frustrated.     "Sky, are you okay?" I heard Ethan ask beside me.     I nodded my head and let out a sigh. "Yes, I'm fine."     "You don't seem fine. I'm sorry if I annoyed you too much." It was Luke.     "It's okay, Luke. I'm good." I assured him.     My friends might be so annoying sometimes, but they care too. We had each other's backs. We were partners in crime and we just love to enjoy our lives. No matter what, I was still thankful that I had them as my friends.     When I looked up again, my heart was still breaking when I saw Sapphire, who keeps smiling at her boy best friend.     Feeling jealous is hell.   ***      I blew out a breath as I leaned away from the windows and walked to my room.      Stop it, Sky. You’re just hurting yourself more.      
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