IX. Expect the Unexpected

2345 Words

Sapphire                 My eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the not-so-bright sunlight that crept through the curtains in my room. It was still past five in the morning. Yawning, I turned to my side to see my baby still sound asleep. A smile made its way to my lips just staring at him. He had his hands under his cheek. He was drooling too. Sometimes, I would get jealous of his lashes. They were just long and curled. For a three-year old, he was already getting big. He grew so fast. I remembered the dream I just had. It wasn’t exactly just a dream, but a memory. When I was too tired, I would either have a nightmare or dream about the good memories.             However, what happened yesterday night came into mind as I kept staring at my child. My heart felt so heavy. I was scared. Of c

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