XXXII. The Bad Boy Calls Me Jasmine

1977 Words

Sapphire   ***Four years ago…               “Fire, do you know that your ultimate crush in the name of Sky Theodore Butler is back?!”             That was the first thing that greeted me when I walked into the NYU campus to our department. Caleb Anderson was waiting for me at the entrance of the hallway and he seemed so excited when he delivered the news. Side by side, we walked together to our first class in the morning. Time passed by quickly and we were finally in our fourth year. Caleb and I never left each side. We were inseparable. I couldn’t wait for us to graduate together. It was just the start of the first semester. Schedules weren’t that hectic yet. I was pretty sure by second semester, it would be hell. I almost laughed at the thought. I wasn’t even sure if I could pass

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