Chapter 1

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I'd had crushes before, but it was at my company's staff party that my breath was taken away. Everything about him was perfect: his perfectly beautiful blond hair, his perfectly beautiful straight nose, his perfectly beautiful blue eyes, his jawlines down to his perfectly beautiful body hidden under the dark blue Armani suit he wore. Time stood still when my eyes met with his, something that happened a very long time ago. We said our formalities, then he excused himself to the exit. He mentioned not being able to stay and meet everyone, but he would get a chance once he officially started work after the weekend. My inside erupted with excitement. I was eager for the weekend to come to pass; I could hardly wait, and to think I wasn't going to come out tonight. It had been twelve years since Jonathan disappeared, and if to say his disappearance didn't break me, I would say a lie. Feeling this way felt like betraying him, our time together, but twelve years have already passed and there isn't any word from the police or no new leads after Matthew left. All a sudden, memories of Jonathan and our past came flooding me all at once. It was clear I needed to get out of this place and back into the safe space of my apartment. As I hurriedly made my way home, the weight of those twelve long years seemed to press down on me with every step. The memories of Jonathan and our time together felt both vivid and distant, like fragments of a puzzle I could never quite piece together. As I entered the familiar sanctuary of my apartment, I couldn't help but wonder if there was still hope for answers or closure after all this time. I got out after parking my baby and walking into my apartment building. Arriving home couldn't have come any sooner; I needed a drink. All the memories of Johnathan were making me break into pieces. All these years and I still can't remember the scent of his perfume or his touch, I poured myself some vodka. I gulped it down in one drink, but still, I didn't feel numb. I poured a glass of Hennessey and took a seat by the window, gazing out at the city lights. As I sipped my drink, I couldn't help but reflect on the countless nights I had spent in this very spot, contemplating the mysteries of life and searching for solace. The familiar taste of Hennessey brought a bittersweet comfort, reminding me that even in the midst of uncertainty, there was still a glimmer of hope for answers and closure to emerge from the depths of time. I managed to get to my refrigerator to get the jug of coffee-flavored ice cream I have there. The rest of my night was spent crying on my couch, eating ice cream, and looking through old photos of Jonathan, reminiscing about the memories we shared. Each photograph brought a wave of nostalgia, but also a sense of longing for his presence. As I flipped through the pages of our past, I couldn't help but wonder if these captured moments held the key to understanding why he was no longer here with me, but it was during that time I came to realize how alike Jonathan and Matthew Adams look. The next morning was no easy task. Even though it was a Saturday, I had a little paperwork to do at the office, but this damn migraine was not stopping. I had a few aspirins and a cup of coffee with a donut, and I called an Uber. I'm in no shape to drive today. As I sat in the backseat of the Uber, the city streets blurred together, mirroring the foggy haze in my mind. The throbbing pain persisted, intensifying with each passing minute. I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that this migraine was more than just a physical ailment, but a manifestation of the emotional turmoil brewing within me. The Uber driver pulled into my company parking lot, and immediately I noticed someone else was there. I gathered my things, put my sunglasses on, and walked into the building. I'm an executive here, so my office is on the top floor. I asked Norman, our building head of security, who else was there, and he said the name of the man who made all of Johnathan's memories come rush back, 'Mr. Matthew Adams. I swallowed and excused myself to the elevator. I pressed my floor number and got off the elevator once the door opened, and I couldn't contain the feeling I was feeling inside. This man's Cologne was doing things to me, but if that wasn't bad at all, I heard the most amazing voice I've ever heard. "Good morning; I didn't know there would be anyone coming in on a Saturday". I turned around to see a tall, well-dressed man with a warm smile. His voice was smooth and captivating, instantly drawing me in. As I introduced myself, I couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity, as if we had met before. Intrigued, I decided to delve deeper into the connection between Mr. Matthew Adams and my own memories. My heart was beating fast, and it was a miracle I controlled the excitement I felt inside my chest, but I had to be professional; after all, he was the company's new CEO. " Good morning, Mr. Adams. I didn't know you would be in on a Saturday too". He smiled warmly and replied, "Good morning. Yes, I like to come in on weekends to catch up on work and get a head start for the week ahead." His voice was deep and commanding, matching his confident demeanor. It was clear that he took his role as CEO seriously and was dedicated to the success of the company. Intrigued by his work ethic, I couldn't help but admire his commitment and wondered what other qualities he possessed that had led him to this position of leadership. This man was mesmerizing; I just couldn't stand there and not say something. " You're a beautiful man," I blurted out, unable to contain my admiration any longer. He chuckled, his smile revealing a hint of humility. "Thank you," he replied,graciously, "but beauty is subjective. I believe it's the drive and determination that truly define a person." His response only deepened my curiosity about his journey to success and the qualities that set him apart from others in his field. And that was it. I had uttered those words before I had even realized it; it was the small chuckles that broke the haze I was trapped in. 'I don't think you gave me your name". I stuttered like a complete i***t, but I managed to get my name out. "I'm sorry, sir; I don't know what I was thinking when I said that to you. I'm Nichole Simmonds, head of the marketing department." It was a bit quiet, but not awkward quiet; it was like he was looking into me, and I blushed at the thought of him being interested in someone like me. "You don't need to apologize; all you did was say how you feel, and besides, it's just the both of us here; I'll see you around Nichole." He kissed the back of my hand before walking away, and I felt as if I was in some sort of movie and I was being mesmerized by the lead actor playing the knight in shining armor. I went to the office to complete my task and found an envelope that stated it was from the police. I immediately picked it up and opened it, but the letter fell onto the table, with my tears quickly following. I had been trying to hold out hope that Johnathan would walk back through the door, but with one letter, those hopes were destroyed. Jonathan was changed from missing to deceased. None of this surprises me, but it doesn't make the pain in my heart any less. No, my heart was breaking for Johnathan. I wished I could have done more for him. The thought of being declared dead made me scream in anger and pain. I collapsed onto the floor, clutching the letter tightly in my hands. Memories of our time together flooded my mind, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for not being able to save him. The weight of his absence became unbearable, as if a part of me had been ripped away forever. I didn't expect it, but my office door flew open, almost coming off its frame. I was in such a disoriented state that I didn't even notice Matthew hugging me and me hugging him back. "What happened?" he asked, worried in his voice. I showed him the letter and explained who Johnathan was and what he meant to me. Matthew hugged me again, this time even closer and tighter than before. I felt so safe and comfortable in his arms. He offered to take me home, and I accepted. But this man didn't just drop me off; he walked me to my apartment door, came in, made me chamomile tea, and we sat on my couch and talked for a long time before he said he had to leave now. What Matthew did next, I wasn't sure if it was out of pity or he felt something intimate for me, but he kissed me right in the frame of my apartment door. I felt my heart explode with joy and excitement. As our lips met, time seemed to stand still. It was a moment filled with tenderness and passion, leaving me yearning for more. The connection between us was undeniable, and I couldn't help but wonder what this unexpected encounter could lead to.
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