Chapter 2: The Proposal of Lord Richard

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The Palace's preparations for Princess Gianna's eighteenth birthday celebration were nothing short of spectacular. Because of the glittering ornaments and beautiful designs that adorn the inside of the Palace. It was simple, but it was also elegant. There were many round tables set up inside the Palace, which the guests occupied. On the eve of Princess Gianna's eighteenth birthday, the guests arrived one by one. The guests belonged to the Royal Families and Noble Families of Kingdom Peria, and they were a diverse group of people. Everyone was decked out in their best formal attire, beaming with delight as they anticipated the upcoming celebration. "Are you ready, Princess Gianna?" Princess Rebecca inquired. Her hair, face, and blue gown, which was surrounded by diamonds, were meticulously arranged by three servants as Princess Gianna sat in front of the giant window. They took steps to ensure that Princess Gianna would be the most beautiful woman in the palace today. In response, Princess Gianna acted as if she had no interest in what would be about to take place. "Is there anything else I can do, Princess Rebecca?" "You must be happy, Princess Gianna, because today is your day, and today will be the most definitely be a happy day for you." Princess Gianna nodded her head in agreement with what her sister had said. They were in the midst of their preparations when their parents, King Mathias and Queen Elize, entered the room. "Her birthday is just around the corner, so hurry up and fix her," King Mathias instructed the three servants who were preparing Princess Gianna for her birthday celebration. Queen Elize walked up to Princess Gianna, a smile on her face as she looked her in the eyes. "You're absolutely stunning, Gianna," Queen Elize remarked to her youngest daughter. With a smile, Princess Gianna thanked Queen Elize, "Thank you, Queen Elize," she said. "Come on, Elize, let's go out!" King Mathias yelled at the Queen. As Queen Elize kissed her daughter goodbye, she said, "Don't forget to smile and enjoy this day, ok? We have to go first, Gianna," she said. Princess Gianna smiled at Queen Elize and nodded. King Mathias and Queen Elize exited the room and went to another room to await the start of the celebration. The Royal Songs of Kingdom Peria were performed by musicians at seven o'clock in the evening. This piece of music served as a signal that the eighteenth birthday celebrations for the first Princess were about to commence. The guests rose from their seats, and those who sat on the thrones of King Mathias and Queen Elize also rose, and they all turned to look at the second floor of the Palace. Princess Gianna took a step forward, her long blue gown encrusted with brilliant diamonds in full view. Princess Gianna greeted all of the guests with a smile before beginning her walk down the aisle. Princess Gianna descended from the second floor to the ground floor to the accompaniment of the Musicians. The guests were taken aback by the stunning beauty that Princess Gianna exhibited. Despite the fact that it was obviously difficult for her to walk, she was unaffected by the delicate and surprisingly beautiful beauty of the place. From the top of the stairwell, Lord Richard greeted Princess Gianna. With his head bowed, Lord Richard extended his right hand in greeting. They began walking towards King Mathias and Queen Elize, as well as Princess Rebecca after Princess Gianna took Lord Richard's hand in her own. Upon their arrival alongside the King and Queen, Princess Gianna and Lord Richard smiled and expressed gratitude to all of the guests in attendance. "Thank you so much to everyone who came to celebrate Princess Gianna's eighteenth birthday," King Mathias expressed his gratitude to the guests in a brief speech. Princess Gianna was the focus of King Mathias' attention. Queen Elize took her daughter's hand in hers and whispered to her that she must speak up for themselves. "First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to God for providing me with the opportunity to live this far; second, I would like to express my gratitude to the King and Queen of Kingdom Peria, who have always guided me, who have provided me with a perfect life, and who have given me their undying love!" Princess Gianna began her speech. The Princess continued, "In the eighteen years that I have lived on this Kingdom, I have witnessed many events, both bad and good, trials that I have faced, and I have met many different kinds of people." "I will put everything I have learned to good use as a Princess of Kingdom Peria, and now that I am of legal age, I will do everything in my power for everyone who lives and loves our beloved Kingdom Peria!" Princess Gianna declared at the conclusion of her speech. "And tonight, let's share the happiness that I'm experiencing, and hopefully, we'll all enjoy it!" Princess Gianna exclaimed to the assembled guests, a smile on her face and gratitude in her heart. All of the guests applauded Princess Gianna for what she had to say. While the people of Kingdom Peria know Princess Gianna as a brave and adventurous Princess, she is also concerned about the well-being of the people of the kingdom, particularly the children. When Lord Richard raised his right hand, the applause from the audience came to a complete halt. Princess Gianna's gaze was drawn to Lord Richard. Lord Richard smiled at Princess Gianna, and his eyes appeared to be sparkling as he looked her in the eyes. "I want to use this time to spend with someone who is very important in my life," Lord Richard explained. The guests were taken aback and wondered aloud what Lord Richard had just said to them. A bold young man, Lord Richard was well-known as the son of Duke Ramon. He was born into a well-respected family and had a solid commitment to Kingdom Peria that was unrivaled. Lord Richard removed something from his pocket, a small red box, and placed it in front of Princess Gianna. When Lord Richard saw Princess Gianna, he turned to face her. He knelt in front of her and opened the box that he was holding in his hands for her to see. When Lord Richard opened the red box, and Princess Gianna saw the contents, which included a ring with a large diamond, her eyes widened even more. In addition, the visitors were taken aback by what they had witnessed. Lord Richard began his speech by saying, "Since childhood, the two of us have been very close, Princess Gianna." "We came to an agreement on a few things, and so far, we've been on our adventures together," he continued. As Lord Richard continued, "When the two of us are together, I can't help but be happy because you have captured my heart in every way—from your smiles to your voice and your personality." Princess Gianna took a deep breath in response to what's been taking place. "Now, Princess Gianna, I stand before you, ready to lay down my life in order to be with you until the day we die," Lord Richard told her. "Do you accept my offer to be together 'till death separates us?" Lord Richard inquired of Princess Gianna. "Do you accept my offer to be together 'till death separates us?" Lord Richard inquired of Princess Gianna. As a result of Lord Richard's unexpected proposal to Princess Gianna, she was unable to speak. Princess Gianna go back to the time of their first meeting in his memory. They had only been four years old when they first met each other. However, their relationship started out on a positive note. Because his father was a Duke who was close to King Mathias, the two of them were always together. They were constantly engaged in play, which was where it all began for them. Despite the passage of time, their strong bond did not deteriorate, and in fact, grew even stronger. Princess Gianna broke down in tears as a result of what was transpiring around her. She is unable to provide an explanation. Despite the fact that she is feeling overjoyed as a result of Lord Richard's offer to her, she is hesitant. However, Princess Gianna has admitted that Lord Richard is important to her because of their relationship, but she is unable to make up her mind. Her eyes are closed as Princess Gianna lets out a long deep sigh. She considered her options for responding to Lord Richard's offer and came up with a few ideas. In such a series of interrogations in the mind of Princess Gianna , Lord Richard repeatedly asked her, "Do you accept my offer, Princess Gianna?" Princess Gianna exchanged a friendly smile with Lord Richard. She took his hand and rose Lord Richard to his feet. "You probably know you're important to me, Lord Richard, don't you?" Princess Gianna asked him. "I'm honestly undecided about whether or not I'll accept your offer," she explained. Nonetheless, Princess Gianna declared, "I believe I am the luckiest woman in Kingdom Peria because you, Lord Richard, are a woman's fantasy, and you have offered me the opportunity to be with you forever." "Lord Richard, you are the only man I trust, the one who has given a strange color to my world, and the one who has endured my personality, so I accept your offer!" a beaming Princess Gianna replied in response to Lord Richard's offer. In response to Princess Gianna's response, Lord Richard found himself unable to control himself. Because of the happiness he is experiencing, and he wrapped his arms around Princess Gianna. Because of the unexpected nature of the event, all of the guests applauded. With the exception of two people, everyone is delighted to see Princess Gianna and Lord Richard in such a setting. "That can't be happening! Lord Richard is mine, and he is mine alone!" a woman exclaimed angrily. "Let's get going," a man instructed his companion to do. He turned to face Princess Gianna one last time before departing. "Princess Gianna, the moon will make it possible for us to spend time together!"
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