Chapter 5: The One who Save Gianna

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When he heard a knock on his room door, Lord Richard immediately raised his head. He didn't say anything because he knew that the person who came knocking was one of their maids who had come to clean his room. The door opened, and the knocker came in. Richard didn't bother to raise his head until he was addressed by his first name, Richard. "Lord Richard," a woman addressed him as she walked into the room. When Richard recognized the woman's voice, he raised his head in recognition. When he realized who it was, he was taken aback by her innocent expression and her smile. "Princess Rebecca?" he asked, his voice calm as he looked her in the eyes. Even more than before, when Richard called, Rebecca's smile spread even wider. Rebecca walks up to the bed and takes up a position beside him. “I understand how difficult it must have been to learn that the woman you cherished had passed away, Lord Richard,” Rebecca confided in Richard. "I'm sorry, Princess Rebecca, but you have no idea how that makes me feel right now. " He said. "It hurts so much, and it hurts me so much because of what happened," Richard confessed to her, his voice breaking with sadness. Rebecca could tell that Richard was depressed by the melancholy in his eyes. She could sense the resentment he was feeling as a result of what he was going through right now. "There isn't anything we can do at this point, Lord Richard. Things have already been done," Rebecca informed him. "The loss of Princess Gianna has brought the entire Kingdom of Peria to its knees. After all, who wouldn't?" she went on to say. "Even Queen Elize is still in disbelief about what happened to Princess Gianna, but it's possible that this is all that Princess Gianna's destiny is," she continued. "I understand that the people of Kingdom Peria are grieving the death of Princess Gianna," she added. "The Kingdom Peria has lost the sweetest woman I know, a sincere woman, the most loving woman, her smiles, and the daring characteristics that everyone appreciates," Richard said at her. As tears streamed from his eyes, he lowered his head in sorrow. Rebecca had a sour expression on her face because of what Richard had said about Princess Gianna. Rebecca was well aware of their strong link; the two of them had always been together in their adventures and hikes throughout the Kingdom of Peria, as well as on their journeys together since they were children. "I agree with what you've said, Lord Richard. I also don't completely believe in the death of Princess Gianna, to be completely honest," Rebecca admitted. "She was my only sister, she's been my best friend, she's the one I tell about my problems, my secrets, and she's also the one who gives me a smile every time we're together, but I was afraid it wouldn't be what Princess Gianna wanted because I know she wants me to be happy, not sad," she continued, her voice tinged with sadness. "I am aware that Princess Gianna wishes for us to be joyful at all times, Lord Richard. Even if her death hurts us, we must follow the flow of water in the river because the loss of the person we love will not stop our lives," Rebecca told him. Rebecca caught Richard's attention. Although he could see the happiness in her eyes, he could also see the despair in her. "All I can suggest to you, Lord Richard, is that you get out of bed and get out of your room as soon as possible." "The pain we feel after the death of a loved one is something we should use to become stronger," she continued. Rebecca drew Richard's attention. "How do you feel about it, Lord Richard? Is it possible that you would also like to teach me some combat techniques and how to hunt like Princess Gianna did when she was still alive?" Rebecca confronts him with a question. ‘I will not relent until I have surpassed Princess Gianna, Lord Richard. I will do everything in my power to make you fall in love with me, to make you love me as much as I love you!' Rebecca thought to herself as she smiled at Richard. "I'll do my best, Princess Rebecca," Richard said in response to her. "I shall wait for you, Lord Richard. I want to carry on the work that Princess Gianna used to do, and I am confident that you will assist me," Rebecca explained to him. In the meantime, the Doctors are investigating Princess Gianna's current condition. They went over her entire body with some apparatus. Because Princess Gianna was unable to move, she didn't do anything but allow the Doctors to observe her. She has no idea where she is or how she managed to survive the accident in which she was involved, but she is grateful that she is still alive! "Your vital signs are normal, Princess Gianna, but you will continue to feel pain in your body as a result of the injuries you have incurred," one of the Doctors warned her, explaining that she would continue to feel pain in her body. However, she was unable to open her mouth to talk and inquire about the events that occurred following the tragedy. In addition, the doctor stated, "We will perform certain tests on you tomorrow, Princess Gianna, to ensure your body is in good working order and that there are no abnormalities." The Doctor turned to face the nurse who was accompanying her as if to tell her what she was about to do. " Maintain a watchful check on Princess Gianna at all times. If there is something unexpected happens to her, be sure to get in touch with us immediately so that we can look at her," the Doctor instructed the Nurse. "I will take care of it, Doctor," the nurse responded. The Doctors went out of his room without saying anything. When the door to his room opened, the Doctors came to a complete halt and bent their heads to the guy who had just entered the room. After entering the room, the man was solemn and went right to the bed where Princess Gianna was lying. He stood up at Princess Gianna's feet and took her eyes off her physical state. Princess Gianna noticed the man, who had a serious expression on his face. 'Who is this man? ' 'What exactly is he doing here?' As he glanced at the man, Princess Gianna questioned herself. "Leave us alone!" The man yelled with authority in his voice. The Doctors and Nurse ran out of Princess Gianna's room as quickly as they entered. The two of them were left alone in the room, staring at one another. "You've been lying in that bed for a month now, Gianna," the man said. "When you're completely recovered, I'll explain to you what happened," the man said to Gianna. She could hear the deep voice of the man speaking to her. His expression was solemn, and his body language was respectable. No matter how hard Gianna tried, she couldn't deny that the man had a beautiful face, from his thick eyebrows to his pointed nose, from his red lips to the flawless form of his face, and even down to his eyes. 'What is it about that man that makes me feel so happy?' Gianna pondered this to herself. She couldn't comprehend what was going on, but she appeared to recognize him despite the fact that she had only just met him for the first time. She seemed to have a sense of security in his company. "Also, we need to talk about you being my Luna, since you, you are the one who has been chosen by the Moon Goddess to be my Mate!" He went on to say that Gianna's state of mind had her perplexed.
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