Chapter 11: She's A Dragoness!

1218 Words

-Gianna- Because it's been a week since we went to Amang to get a potion that I will use for the werewolves aren't able to smell my insistence. In order to find out if there is a potion for me, as well as my origins and what kind of creature I am, we are going to meet Amang right now. I couldn't trust what Amang said when we approached him till now, but I'm beginning to believe that I'm a little different than I was before! Throughout our training, I became increasingly aware of my own strengths. I have an incredible amount of power that no average woman can match; I can heal myself rapidly when I get bruises on my body, and one more thing, I have had a sensation of warmth and cold inside my body at various moments over the few days. I told Viktor what I was feeling, and he had no id

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