2204 Words

TALIA POV. I shoot forward and grab her by the shoulders as she starts to shake while trying to suck in air into her lungs. “Jane. Take deep breaths Jane. You need to calm yourself down before you lose too much control.” I say and shake her a little to try and gain her attention. Suddenly the bedroom light explodes, sending small shards of glass everywhere. Feeling Nera jump forward, I don’t try to stop her, trusting her judgement for the moment and Nera shakes her a little harder but not enough to hurt her. “JANE!” Nera calls in my voice with a slight growl in it, which seemed to work as my glowing eyes meet her panicked ones. “Listen to me little one. You’re having a panic attack. I need you to take deep breaths for me, Okay?” Nera says and begins mimicking breathing motions and Jane no

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