19. We are The Archangels pt.2

1899 Words

"Hey, Blake." "Hey, wake up." That same fresh masculine scent invaded my nostrils, relaxing all my senses, feeling the comforting warmth engulfing my body, my eyelids slowly fluttering open, meeting once again those piercing, deep blue irises staring right back into mine. "Hey, are you ok?" His gentle, soothing tone pulled me back to reality, realizing I was held in his strong arms, so close that I could feel his hot breath fanning on my face.The sudden realization of our close proximity made my cheeks burn, quickly remembering what Raph told me before I was shot. "Maybe he doesn't know that yet, but he likes you,Blake." "I-I..." "Come on, let's get you upstairs, to get some rest." He then placed an arm under my knees and got up from his kneeling position, cradling me close to his c

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