17. A life for a life

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Blake After getting my only clothes washed and dried up, I dressed myself up and hurried downstairs where Raphael was already waiting, all fresh and dressed up, looking like the typical bad boy. He wore a plain white t-shirt and a leather jacket that hung perfectly on his broad shoulders, matching with his dark jeans and combat boots,perfectly complementing his slightly tanned skin. Damn...why do these guys have to look so hot? "Done checking me out?" He smirked, suddenly pulling me out of my daze. "Oh, shut up,” I muttered, rolling my eyes then hurriedly strode past him, hearing him chuckle from behind me. We exited the mansion then walked towards the alley and got in one of Luc's SUV's, him sitting in the driver's seat and I in the front passenger seat, ultimately noticing no one else came to ride with us. "Wait, just the two of us?" I turned to face him,raising one eyebrow. "Yeah, why? Need the whole army to go shopping?" He chuckled,earning a scoff from me. "No, you dumb-ass,” I retorted,“I thought that maybe Luc would send some guards with us. I mean, my brother always does that,” I then explained with a shrug. "Well then, trust me, Panties, I'm all you need,” He smirked, giving me a wink then turned towards the steering wheel and started the engine. Wait, what? "Panties? Seriously? Panties?" I shouted in disbelief,throwing him a murderous glare. "Well you've earned it, Panties,” He chuckled, a smug expression stretching all over his perfectly shaped features, clearly referring to that moment this morning, in the kitchen, not even bothering to turn and face me. What the fuuuck!! "Ugh! Stop calling me like that!" I angrily yelled,making him laugh even harder. "Yeah...not gonna happen, Panties,” He took a glance in my direction, again wearing that smug grin plastered all over his features, making me want to slap it off his annoying face. Oh, so you wanna play it this way?So be it. I turned back and sunk in my seat, making myself comfortable,silently plotting for my revenge as he drove off the estate. ** After a few hours of walking around in various famous stores and trying on lots of clothes, I finally managed to buy some things, also managing to get on Raph's nerves as well at the same time, constantly changing my mind and dragging him along everywhere, making him carry all my bags as I kept on buying useless things. What can I say...payback's a bitch... We were currently walking back towards the mall's subterranean parking lot, carrying the shopping bags to the car. "So, you never told me why were you forcefully kissing my brother that night,” He suddenly asked out of nowhere, making me stop in my tracks, spinning around to face him, now staring up at him, utterly dumbfounded. What the actual f**k? "Wait, how did you-" "Oh, please...I'm not that stupid. Plus, I can tell you're not that type of girl," He quickly cut me off, smirking, giving me a small wink. "So, start talking," He demanded, looking at me expectantly. I sighed, lowering my gaze, silently contemplating whether I should tell him or not, but giving the fact that he probably already knows all about that murder Azrael was asking about, I decided to finally tell him. What the hell...He'll eventually find out anyway... "I tried to save him...from getting hurt..." I reluctantly explained in a small voice.I felt so stupid, now remembering exactly what I did in order to save him. "Getting hurt?" He stared at me, a little puzzled, and if I didn't know better I'd say he actually sounded kinda amused. "Yeah...I'm guessing you already know who my brother is,and what he does..." I said, earning a confused look from him. "Well, yeah but...I don't follow...how is that related to what you did with Raz?" He then asked, curiously staring at me. "Well, the "victim" Raz was asking about, was actually friends with my brother, if you know what I mean,” I explained with an implied tone. "What? No...Does that mean your brother...?" He stared at me, dumbfounded, silently implying that my brother was the one who killed Mitch. "What? No! Of course not!" I hurriedly denied,defending my brother,"He was having some business going on with him...Some illegal business...And if he would've found out that your brother was asking questions about Mitch and that he is actually a cop, he would've murdered him without even blinking,"I explained in a small voice, lowering my gaze somewhere on the hard concrete,now also feeling a little guilty for the way my brother handles things. "Oh...I understand now," He nodded, giving me a light smile. "Yeah, but can you please not tell anyone about this?"I asked uneasy, silently begging him with my eyes, staring up at him like a lost puppy. "Sure," He nodded, warmly smiling, making me let out aloud sigh.. "But...Actually, I have one small, teeny tiny favor I'd like to ask you,” He then said in a calm, warm tone, however, that didn't stop me from internally freaking out already, dreading of what he could possibly ask me. "What is it?" I asked back, innocently staring up at him, struggling to appear as calm as possible. "Don't hurt him," Came out his pleading, so quickly that I didn't even have the time to register what he actually said. "What?" I raised one eyebrow, staring up at him, now extremely puzzled. "Don't hurt him," He repeated."Maybe he doesn't know that yet, but he likes you, Blake. I know him, he's my brother. I've known him since like, forever, and I've never seen him before to look at anyone, the way he looks at you. It's like you're something he never had, but strongly wishes to,"By the time he finished that sentence, all the bags in my hands were already dropped on the ground as I simply stared back at him, gaping like a fish. What? Did he just say that Azrael likes me? What the actual fuuuck! But how-what the hell! He doesn't even know me, for Christ's sake! He sighed, pulling me out of my furiously spinning thoughts,"Look, he's never had anyone before in his life, Blake...So that's why I'masking you, please don't hurt him," He pleaded again, his almost black orbs holding so much sincerity, rendering me simply speechless for a moment. "O-okay..." I finally replied, still a little unsure on what was I exactly agreeing to, obviously baffled after all he just told me. "Thank you," He simply said, warmly smiling at me then pulled me in a warm, bone-crushing hug. We simply stood there for a couple of moments, I, buried in his muscular chest, barely breathing, almost smothered by his tight hug as he kept his bulky arms tightly wrapped around me, his face deeply buried in my shoulder. "Ei." That voice. I slowly pulled back, the sound of that voice obviously spiking my curiosity, but as soon as I took a better glimpse at the person who made that sound, standing right behind Raphael, my knees suddenly got weak, the air stopping in my throat. Ricardo. It felt simply useless to ask why he was here or how, because I already knew the answer. It was me. "Ricardo," I quietly said, this time out loud, looking at him directly in the eye. "Ciao, bella," He smirked, pure hatred and madness glinting in his dark brown irises, sending a cold shiver run down my spine. "Cosa stai facendo qui?" (What are you doing here?) I tried to reason with him, acting as calm as possible though on the inside I already knew that any attempt would be absolutely futile. He was downright mad...And he definitely made that pretty clear last time we met. "Sono qui per fare una dichiarazione," (I'm here to make a statement.) He kept that smug, twisted smirk etched on his features, his burning gaze never leaving my face. "Cosa?"(What?) I asked, blankly staring back at him,raising one eyebrow, utterly confused. "Se io non posso averti, neanche lui non può." (If I can't have you, neither will he.)Came his answer shortly after my question, pulling out the revolver tucked at the back of his jeans, pointing it straight towards Raphael, making me scream in utter horror and shock. I knew there was no turning back. Nothing and no one could stop him now. He was going to kill him. He was going to kill Luc's brother. So I stopped thinking, and acted. A life for a life. A sibling for a sibling. I quickly moved to the side, directly in front of Raphael,shielding his body with mine and in the last moment, I closed my eyes, hearing the gun fire, followed by a burning pain, sharply striking right through my chest, collapsing right on the ground afterwards.My entire body started shivering, feeling the cold, slowly but surely creeping up my veins, gradually decreasing my body temperature. This is it. I'm so sorry, Ricky. I'm so sorry for leaving you alone in this world. "You stupid little kid!" Raphael's voice burning with rage rang in my ears, sounding so close, so I fluttered my eyelids open for a moment, meeting those same dark, almost black eyes now filled with pure concern and despair. "Why did you do that?" He angrily yelled at me,feeling his warm hands on my cold body, gripping my shoulders, lightly shaking me as I tried to breathe, feeling the metallic salty taste filling my mouth,forcing me let out a violent cough, soon noticing the crimson liquid staining Raphael's once white t-shirt, much to my dismay. Blood. My blood. "You made a promise, remember? You've made a freaking promise!" His hoarse, desperate voice now sounded so far away, making it seem like he had walked miles away from me. "I'm sorry..."
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