38. Flight

739 Words

"Come, we don't have much time," He stated as hehurriedly walked towards the front door with Azrael and Raph flanking his sideswhile Rick, Leila and I were following like little puppies, a little takenaback by their sudden hustle. I increased my pace as we now walked past the front doors,trying to catch up with his long strides as I asked,"Wait! Where are we going?" "We are going to take you guys somewhere safe," Hestated, his voice dripping with seriousness as he now suddenly turned around,facing us. "What? Why? What's wrong with this place?" I asked,staring at him, obviously confused. He sighed, nervously running a hand through his dark locks as hesaid,"Look, this is neither the right time nor place to talk about this butonce we get there, I promise you'll get your answers, ok?" "Ok

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