Secret Plans

1701 Words
Marissa I woke up the sound of my phone going off. I reached out for it and groggily answered. Sitting straight up when I was told we needed to move and Yvonne would be here to get me soon, I turned to see that I was alone in bed. I hopped up and hurried to get ready, heading to the living room to find my shoes. As I tied the laces I heard the door and looked up to see Jackson coming in. He smiled at me but I noticed his smile didn’t reach his eyes. I was about to ask what was wrong when Yvonne eppeared behind him. “Good youre both ready. We have to go.” She beckoned to us and we followed her through the portal, landing at the house on his pack territory. She led us up the steps to the door and then inside, where several witches were already waiting. “We found this in a hidden room in the back of the house.” She led us down the hallway and into a small back room, nodding to two witches standing in front the back wall. They turned towards it and pressed their palms against it, whispering an enchantment which revealed a hidden doorway. Behind it was a staircased going down. We descended it and got to the bottom ,the space opening up to reveal a large table in the center covered with candles and various objects, while a stone fireplace near the back held a cauldron. “Feels a little cliche.” Jackson muttered as we moved over to the table. The objects were placed in a circle, with a small pile of dirt in the center. “Thirteen.” I muttered and Yvonne nodded. “Thirteen items taken from every coven they destroyed.” She said as she touched each item, naming their covens. “A jar of sea water from Coven Blue, pine needles from the trees at The Ash Coven, this brick is from our coven, the alley behind the village center.” She held up a brick and showed us before laying it down. I moved closer, picking up a stone from the table. “I’ve seen blue stones like this. The coven where my mother was killed. They had these along the walkway.” I muttered. “They took something from each coven and brought it here.” “The dirt in the middle?” Jackson asked. She extended her hand over the pile of dirt and closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them I noticed a mix of sadness and anger in them. “Dirt from the grave of Melody.” She said quietly. I gasped. “They what?” I whispered and Jackson looked at me confused. “Grave dirt isn’t something you just help yourself to. It is sacred.” “They desecrated her grave for this.” Yvonne added. We all stood in silence, contemplating what we had before us. We began discussing what to do with these things when the sound of thunder over us caught out attention. “It’s just a storm I’m sure.” Jackson said unconvinvingly. “No, they’re here.” I whispered. “I can feel their anger.” I had lowered my walls when we arrived just in case, but filtering the bombardment of emotions had been difficult. Jackson stepped over to me and took my hand, interlocking his fingers with mine. “Put it back.” Yvonne said as she turned to lead us back upstairs. “We have to be focused.” I nodded, grounding myself in his touch, and getting my wall back in place. We got back up to the main floor as thunder shook the house, lightning shining through the windows. I squeezed Jacksons hand tightly, my own nerves taking root. “Im here my dove.” He whispered into my ear as he leaned closer to me and squeezed my hand back. “I won’t let them hurt you.” I nodded my understanding as we waited to see what Yvonne wanted us to do. The door flew open and the two witches stood in it, glaring at us. My eyes locked on with the witch from our fight, the one who haunted my nightmares. “Violet eyes.” I whispered to myself. “What the f**k did you do to my sister?” She snarled at me. “I was defending myself.” “You stripped her powers!” She shrieked moving towards me but her sister pulled her back at the same time that Jackson stepped foward to place himself partially in front of me. We all stood in place for a moment, glaring at one another. “Why are you doing all of this?” I demanded. “You are killing your own!” “We are taking what is ours. What belongs to us. Nothing more.” She responded, that evil grin stretching across her face all over again. “You are destroying lives for gain.” Yvonne spoke softly, her anger was palpable yet contained. Even without letting her emotions in I could sense them. The agony of so many lives taken weighed on her heavily. “Yvonne.” the second witch turned her eyes towards our High Priestess. “I honestly thought you were dead. I thought your whole coven had been wiped out.” She said coldly. “In spite of your best efforts, we persist.” “Yes our best was your coven. Decades ago.” She laughed dryly. “You certainly put up a fight didn’t you? Took us ages to recover from what that b***h Melody did to us. Yet now we have managed to take down twelve more covend with ease.” She folded her arms and stared us down. “We had to strengthen ourselves and perfect our magic. I will admit, she was clever witch. Bound our powers for decades. Yet we finally got ourselves back.” “Which is why it’s so infuriating that this little slut managed to take one of our powers again.” Violet eyes said. “Tansy.” Yvonne said and they both turned to glare at her. “Your mother was a gifted witch but she gave up her magic to marry a human. You must be the sister.” “Alice.” She responded. “Yes. Born without magic like your sister. Yet now here you are, in posession of magic.” “Truly is amazing what you can buy or trade for.” Alice turned her violet eyes back to me, staring me down. “Like the help of witch hunters.” I spoke to her directly, remembering our stand off previously. “They will do anything for the chance to kill witches.” “Why not just kill you then?” She laughed at my question, her sister moving closer to Yvonne. Jackson quietly stepped back behind me, and cautiously moved imperceptinly towards Yvonne, placing himself between us. “Because we make it easier for them to find you. In return for letting them rape, murder, and pillage every village we bring them to, they let us gather what we need and leave.” “Trade.” Alice supported her sister. “All of this harm for power.” Yvonne shook her head sadly. “No for Melody’s power! The power that she used, the power she took with her in death. We want her magic!” Tansy shouted as she lunged forward. Before she made it to Yvonne however Jackson lept forward, grabbing her and slamming her into the wall. Yvonne stepped back and I moved between her and the now moving Alice. She raised her hands, lightning beginning to spark on her fingertips, but before she had the chance to use her magic, a gust of wind came from the shadows to her right, throwing her backwards through the front door. I ran after her, Jackson following with Tansy in tow. I got out to the porch as Alice was standing up and Jackson threw her sister down to the ground beside her. Yvonee stepped out behind me as the sister witches gathered themselves. “Your reign of terror stops here.” Yvonne stated but the sisters just laughed. “We have no intentions of stopping.” Alice said as she called down lightning, blinding us all for a moment. As our vision cleared the area behind them began to fill with hunters. “They must have been out here hiding and waiting.” Jackson murmured. I turned to Yvonne. “You have to go. We can fight them, but the coven needs you. The witches need you. You have to be safe.” I said quickly. She took my hands and squeezed them before turning to Jackson. “Keep her safe wolf.” She commanded and he nodded before she turned and went into the house to open a portal for herself and anyone who chose to leave with her. I turned back to the growing mob out in front of us as Jackson started to remove his clothes so he could shift to his wolf. Suddenly the air was split by the sound of a wolf howling. His howl was long and drawn out, echoing off the distant woods. We all paused and looked around, when a large black wolf stepped out of the tree line. He looked toward us and raised his head to the sky, letting out another long, loud howl. “You know that wolf?” I asked and Jackson nodded. “That is my father.” He said as he shifted to his white wolf and returned his fathers howl. Seconds later more wolves joined in, a chorus of howls piercing the air around us as wolves began to emerge from the woods. Soon the hunters were surrounded by dozens of wolves, as the sisters stood in front of them, while Jackson and I stood just elevated above them on the porch. Alice smiled her wicked grin as she stepped back slight and raised her hands to the sky, lightning forming across her fingertips. “Time to play.”

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