10. Brody the Rogue

1062 Words
CHAPTER TEN RHETT’S POV My head felt like the f*****g field of heaviness the moment I woke up in a tangled mass of sheets and a naked red head soundly sleeping on my chest. What was her name again? Norah? Dorah? I was very certain it had a Rah somewhere. Well, it doesn’t matter, now does it? Events from yesterday night rolled inside my head in one agonious hangover-ridden loop. From hitting The Crow, to a couple of tequila shots to that hot steamy s*x in my beach house. Well, the throbbing headache-nothing coffee can’t fix-certainly felt worth it. I pushed the woman gently off me and all I received was a small moan of protest before she went on sleeping. Quite a heavy sleeper that one. The s*x had been good enough to earn her a place on my breakfast table. I wasn’t that heartless. A cold shower and a cup of steaming hot coffee with an Advil later, I was as good as new. The sun was just rising up and so I sat on balcony, watching it. It was one of the few pleasures of nature you just had to appreciate whenever possible. I had retired back inside the house when suddenly my father walked in, the gait in his step very much motivated by the look of fury in his face. “Oh, you are about to get it,” Ink teased inside my brain. “Shut the f**k up, Ink,” I warned him through a though, my eyes very much trained on my father. “Well, I certainly did not expect-“ I felt the sting of that slap before I saw his hand move. My father had never, not in my entire life, slapped me. With a hand resting on the spot he’d just hit me, I turned to look at him, eyes blazing with a mixture of disbelief and anger. “You just…hit me, Dad,” “And I’d do it again if you keep behaving like a little spoilt brat,” He snapped, “Yesterday you just had to pull that stunt and disappear like that. Then you switch off you phone. Do you know I had to stand there and have that little mafia boy talk down on me like I’m some piece of trash?” “So you decide to storm here and f*****g slap me? Do I have to remind you I never wanted any of this?” I snapped right back. I rarely talked back to my father but this he had crossed the line this time around. “Whether you want it or not, never matters. You think I married your mother because she was f*****g love of my life? She wasn’t even my mate. But alliances had to be forged,” He paused and the glare in his eyes would have anyone running for the hills but not me, “So it’s your turn to sacrifice. Later in life, you can have any f*****g woman you want. But right now, you need Fawn girl. If you have to kiss the ground she walks on, you are going to do it,” “Right. Because there is supposedly some threat,” I scoffed. My father and I weren’t particularly the best of buddies. But he knew I was the only one capable of taking over, not only as the Alpha King of the city but also as CEO of his Tech company. Not saying my younger brothers didn’t have the balls but let’s be f*****g honest, none of them had the zeal. Killian was too interested in anything that with the word drugs and motorcycle in it. He’d rather gang up with the South Roxen gangs than be seen in the same company with my father. Dax on the other hand, had the brains of a genius but he’d rather spend his time and money, googling the next best fantasy series to binge. Not mention, I doubt his extremely introverted personality would work in his favor when it comes to negotiating down deals and winning over clients. Unlike Killian, at least Dax had the advantage of being able to hold some sort of managerial position. My father stared hard at me for a couple of seconds, “So you think I’m making this up?” “I never said that,” “When all this started, it was only to appease the mayor. But then the threat began. Believe it or not, Brody escaped the maximum Prison in Baghra,” Brody the rogue? He escaped the most fortified prison for werewolves in Baghra city? I felt a wave of anger running through my system. I may not stand the Mafia but boy would I do anything to have Brody the rogue’s head. I loathed him with every bone in my body and the thought that he was out now, had me instantly gunning to spill his blood. “You should have killed him when you had the chance, Dad,” I shook my head, “You more than anyone knew he wasn’t supposed to live. Not after what he’d done,” “You think I don’t know that?” His lips thinned, “I lay awake every night and regret letting the council involved. If it had been my way; if I could have had the power, I would have killed that with my bare hands,” “Does…Killian know?” my own voice felt hoarse. “Not yet,” The anger was long gone from his face and in its place, a look of defeat and helplessness, “When I received word Brody had escaped, I hired a secret search party and only yesterday, I found out he killed them. All except for one who called me, claiming Brody had his own pack of brutes. From mortals to werewolves; he has them. So, we need to act smart and fast,” I swallowed down, running a hand through my hair, “Fines. I’ll win the Mafia and Mayor over but I’ll do it in my own terms, “ I paused, staring at him straight in the eyes, “And I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing it for Killian,” “Fine by me,” He straightened, “And I’ll see if I can rally the other three wolf cities to join us,”
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