12. Peonies and memories

1131 Words

CHAPTER TWELVE RHETT’S POV “The Mafia’s loyalty,” I answered, watching her closely. I’d hate to admit it but Dad was right. John was f*****g butter when it came to his sister. He would burn the whole world to the ground for her. Whether Freya knew that or not, I could never tell. “Right, “she scoffed, taking a huge bite of the croissant. I leaned back on my seat, chest a bit inflated,” You don’t want this marriage any more than I do. This is your ticket out,” I changed my statement to a more appealing form, “If I can have your mafia leader sign a loyalty pact, why would we need this marriage anymore?” There was no flutter in her gaze, instead, it remained steadied on me; almost as though she was trying to read me. Pushing the last bit of croissant between her lips, she chewed it slowl

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