1166 Words

CHAPTER V. HOME AGAIN Following Brick Simpson's directions, they came into Union Street, and without further mishap gained the Hill. From the brow they looked down into the Pit, whence arose that steady, indefinable hum which comes from crowded human places. "I 'll never go down there again, not as long as I live," Fred said with a great deal of savagery in his voice. "I wonder what became of the fireman." "We 're lucky to get back with whole skins," Joe cheered them philosophically. "I guess we left our share, and you more than yours," laughed Charley. "Yes," Joe answered. "And I 've got more trouble to face when I get home. Good night, fellows." As he expected, the door on the side porch was locked, and he went around to the dining-room and entered like a burglar through a window

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