Chapter 5-1

1827 Words

Chapter 5 John’s mother-in-law lives in a quaint house on Hazen Street on long island—a quiet neighborhood. It is a gray home with white shutters and has a well-manicured lawn. Bonnie Moran’s taxi cab pulls up to the house in the early afternoon. She pays the man driving, gathers her things, and exits. Deep down she knows what she is doing is both immoral and illegal, but because of Mr. Stevens’s antipathy towards crime, she has no other option. These thoughts race through her mind as she approaches the door. Each step she takes is paired with a loud creak, almost as if there hadn’t been a visitor for very long. Before knocking on the door, Bonnie sees something out of the corner of her eye, but when she looks at the window where the interruption came from, all she sees is the gray shades

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