Chapter 4-1

972 Words

Chapter 4 Bonnie entered the office around seven o’clock, she walks over to the counter where the coffee is, pulls the coffee out of the cupboard, and starts brewing a pot. The sweet aroma strikes her nostrils and smiles. While listening to the slow drip, she sits down at a table and pulls open the file on John Stevens. Flipping through the pages, Bonnie discovers that John was in the vicinity at the time of Erica’s kidnapping. It also states that he had been in an argument with her during the parent-teacher interview that had happened that same evening. It seems to be an open and close case, she thinks. Bonnie grabs a cup out of the same cupboard that the coffee was in, fills it up, and takes a sip. As she drinks from her cup her eyes glance towards her office—the door is open. Grabbing

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