CHAP 3 :{Ambitious girls}

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{Abebi} I stepped inside the bus and found myself among a group of girls who mirrored my own anticipation and excitement. Their animated chatter filled the air, creating a vibrant atmosphere. Leaning against the side of the bus, I couldn't help but contemplate Tony and how he would cope with my absence. The thought of him being alone tugged at my heart, and a wave of sadness washed over me. But I reassured myself that this journey was necessary, both for my growth and to help alleviate the burdens weighing on our family. Suddenly, a friendly voice broke through my reverie. "Hey, beautiful," the voice called out, drawing my attention. I turned to face a red-headed girl with captivating green eyes. A warm smile played upon her lips as she introduced herself. "I'm Chiara," she said, extending her hand toward me. I reciprocated the gesture, feeling an instant connection with her. Chiara proceeded to introduce me to the other girls on the bus, their names dancing in my ears as she spoke. Isabella, Elena, Aurora, Alessia, Bella, and Bianca. Each name carried a unique resonance, and I attempted to commit them to memory. Some girls waved to acknowledge my presence, while others remained absorbed in their ongoing discussions. After three long hours of driving, the bus finally arrived at a magnificent mansion. The darkness of the night obscured much of the view, leaving me yearning for a glimpse of the surroundings. The bus came to a stop, and as the doors swung open, revealing the darkness outside, my anticipation grew. I could hardly see the magnificent mansion that loomed before us, its grandeur hidden by the cloak of the night. Around me, most of the girls were still asleep, oblivious to our arrival. Suddenly, my attention was caught by the sound of a ringing phone. It belonged to the hefty and muscular man who had opened the bus doors. Overhearing fragments of the conversation, my heart sank. "Take them to Angelica," a frail voice instructed through the phone. The weight of those words hung heavily in the air, casting a dark cloud over my thoughts. "Yes, ma'am," the hefty man replied, his voice tinged with obedience. My eyes widened in shock as the frail voice spoke again, issuing a chilling command. "Shoot anyone who tries to run or misbehave." The words struck me like a bolt of lightning, sending a surge of fear through my veins. What had I gotten myself into? The conversation ended abruptly as the hefty man hung up the phone. The ominous silence that followed only amplified my unease. With a commanding tone, he beckoned us to follow him. I watched as the other girls eagerly and hurriedly complied, their excitement masking the underlying tension in the air. We then walked to the front of a large room. As we entered the large room, my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting that bathed the space in a melancholic blue hue. It was adorned with an unsettling ambiance that sent chills down my spine. I took in the details, noticing the scarred face of the muscular man who had guided us here. His broken nose and dark hair added to his intimidating presence. With a resounding slam, the muscular man exited the room, leaving us to our own devices. I watched as the other girls swiftly claimed the most favorable spots, their eagerness apparent in their actions. They seemed oblivious to the collective plight we faced, consumed by their own desires and self-interest. ****** I stirred from my brief slumber, my eyes heavy with fatigue. The sudden illumination of the room startled me, and I blinked rapidly to adjust my vision. As I looked toward the source of the light, a woman entered the room, exuding an air of authority and superiority. Her attire, a crisp white shirt and a tailored skirt, contrasted sharply with the blue surroundings. Her hair cascaded down her back, meticulously styled and flawlessly maintained. The sharpness of her nose and the elegance of her hand adorned with rings spoke of a refined and powerful individual. I couldn't help but notice her beauty, though it was eclipsed by the arrogance that radiated from her every gesture. "Why so early?" she bellowed, her voice cutting through the silence of the room. The clapping sound of her hands echoed, jolting the rest of the girls from their slumber. We all turned our attention to her, eager to understand the reason for this abrupt intrusion. "Life is not a bed of roses," she declared, her tone filled with disdain. Her piercing gaze swept across each of us, and I could feel her scrutiny weighing heavily upon me. It was clear that she held all the power in this space, and she made it known with her words. "You are here to work for your masters," she continued, her voice carrying a mix of authority and condescension. Her words stung, a reminder of our servitude in this unfamiliar and unsettling environment. The implication of her statement sank in deeply, serving as a stark reminder of the reality we now faced. "Hey, you, put on this dress," Angelica commanded, thrusting a delicate, net-like fabric into Alessia's hands. But Alessia stood her ground, refusing to accept the garment. "No, I can't wear this," she protested, her voice tinged with defiance. She spoke the words that had been echoing in my mind, questioning the legitimacy of the work we had been thrust into. "This is not the casual work I signed up for in the document," Alessia declared, her words resonating with the rest of us who had silently harbored doubts about our circumstances. There was a collective gasp in the room as Alessia challenged Angelica's authority and the expectations placed upon us Angelica's response was swift and cold. "Then you are free to go, the world is all yours," she retorted with a dismissive tone. Alessia's decision to walk away was met with mixed emotions among the rest of us. Some admired her courage, while others felt a pang of fear at the thought of defying Angelica and the consequences it might entail. As Alessia gathered her belongings and walked out of the room, a heavy silence settled over us. We exchanged glances, our eyes filled with uncertainty and a shared desire for something more. At that moment, The atmosphere grew heavy with the weight of her authority, and the room fell silent as she reached for her phone. My pulse quickened as I listened to her conversation, the chilling words echoing in my mind. "Hello Bruno, there is a girl in a yellow dress walking alone in the mansion's corridor," Angelica spoke with a detached calmness. My breath caught in my throat as she uttered the next words, chilling and final. "Eliminate her before she reaches the gate." The room seemed to close in around me as the implications of Angelica's orders sank in. A gunshot shattered the air, followed by a bloodcurdling cry that pierced through the silence. The sound echoed in my ears, a stark reminder of the brutal consequences that awaited anyone who dared to defy the rules set by our captors. Fear etched itself onto the faces of the girls scattered throughout the room. Wide-eyed and trembling, we exchanged glances, our expressions reflecting a mix of terror and resignation. Each of us understood the gravity of our situation and the merciless nature of the world we had been forced into. Angelica's cold proclamation hung in the air like a sinister warning. "No one leaves this place without fulfilling the assignment," she declared before making her exit. Her words echoed in my mind, stirring a sense of despair and helplessness within me. We were trapped, held captive not only by the physical walls surrounding us but also by the looming threat of violence and death. At that moment, the room became a symbol of our collective imprisonment. We were bound by fear, by the knowledge that stepping out of line or attempting to escape would result in dire consequences. The weight of our circumstances settled upon us, stifling any flicker of hope that remained.
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