27 | That’s How I Got Myself A Boyfriend

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The thing about crushes is that it could be something that could last for a long time. Like you couldn’t stop thinking about the person and would imagine scenarios with you and that person as the main characters. You couldn’t help but smile as you think about that person and you just wish it was you. It was you whom he’s giving his smiles to. Another thing about crushes is that it could be fleeting. Like the feeling of momentary cold against the wisp of wind. It could be something that gives you some feeling for a short time. It could either be because you find that person attractive at any aspect. Or that you’ve heard him or her speak, or sing, or dance, or just for existing. Miro Nile is someone who is so good at music. I remembered once I watched his gig. Him and Amelia are on the same band and is probably the reason why they got together. I think one of my classmates invited me because of an extra ticket. I had no homework, I wasn’t doing anything and was planning on binge watching my favorite shows until I heard a knock on my room and the next thing I knew was me, slipping on my best ‘going out’ clothes because I didn’t want my friends waiting for me. Lora and Jacob doesn’t like to do things without me. Turns out, they both bought separate tickets and Lora was supposed to go with her boyfriend but he cancelled at the last minute. I didn’t feel bad having the spare ticket. It wasn’t that they didn’t invite me, it’s just that they know I am not into those kinds of things. But that night was one of those times I couldn’t say no. “Fine,” I said and I couldn’t forget the looks on their faces as they heard me say it. The moment we arrived at the venue, I couldn’t help but get awed at how packed it was. I have heard it was a band from our school who’s going to perform. I have heard they are quite popular even at school but I never realized they are really popular. After their performance, I told them I like Miro Nile as he sang on the stage and my dearest friends came up with a conclusion that I have a crush on him. It might be a crush but it was just pure admiration. He is a talented man. It was just a simple sentence. A simple praise. A simple appreciation of talent. I didn’t expect my friends to make something big out of it and the next thing I knew, rumors started to circulate the whole school that I like Miro Nile. I didn’t know how it happened but turns out, somebody overheard us talking about it and decided to circulate it around the school. “You look like butterflies are wrestling inside your stomach,” I heard Mikhael say. When I looked at him, he was looking at my past self. I followed his gaze and there I saw myself smiling as I lowered my head. A futile attempt to hide the grin. I sighed. Now I figured it might not be the rumor that made it obvious that I liked Miro Nile. Perhaps I really liked him judging from the way I smiled at my desk as I aimlessly scribbled something on my notebook. I sighed. “Look behind you,” Mikhael said and I did. I saw Miro and some of his friends high fiving as they looked at me. I scoffed. I should have known.  I should have known what kind of guy he was. I should have known it was all a play. A set up to humiliate me. Something that will really change half of my school life. You’ll know the reason why it was just ‘half’ soon enough. “I don’t like your grin at all,” Mikhael said as he was still looking at my past self. “Then stop watching, you idiot.” He ignored my remark. “I could smell something is about to happen while I look at them and you.” I looked at myself who was still smiling and scribbling something on her book as the teacher continued to talk about ghosts. I couldn’t blame myself. I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t know what would happen. There’s no way I was going to know it was going to happen. I couldn’t predict the future. But at least it gave me something I learned. To never trust guys. “They’re all pigs,” I mumbled causing Mikhael to look at me. “What?” I was about to open my mouth when my vision blurred. No, it didn’t blur. It was more like the space itself was warped into something unrecognizable. Like an abstract painting. The surroundings and the light was bending I couldn’t see clearly what is happening around us. I looked at Mikhael and tried to reach for him. He did the same but it turns out that the same thing is happening to him too. The next thing I knew was that I was in some dark place. I mean, it would have been dark if not for the fairy lights adorning the trees and the lanterns with different colors. I staggered on my feet as I tried to balance myself. I felt Mikhael holding my waist as he helped me balance and I blinked many times before I adjusted my sight clearly. It was that place. The place where it all happened. Now that I’ve seen it all the memories I’ve had of this place suddenly came rushing in. I heard Mikhael whistle as he stared at where the platform is. It was located at the center, emphasized by the lights and other decorations adorning the surroundings. Lanterns hung from the tree branches and there were tables filled with people who came to watch the show. “They sounded like they’re a good band,” Mikhael said as he absorbed his surroundings. “They are,” I answered and fixated my gaze in the platform. We stood away from where the tables were. Basically maintaining a safe distance from the people. Even though we couldn’t be seen and even though we are just viewing a flashback, we couldn’t risk it. As a ghost, I just realized that we glow. Not the very bright glow but it was something enough to light a room. Something that wouldn’t make you squint your eyes if you want to find something inside your room. “Oh. There you are,” Mikhael said and jerked his chin towards the entrance. And when I looked at the entrance, I saw three people entering. “That dress looked cute on you.” Mikhael gave me a sideward glance. “But I still don’t have a good feeling about this. What is going to happen?” he asked and I just sighed. “Just watch.” Me, Jacob, and Loren went to a vacant table, near the stage. It was then that the band performers started going to the stage and prepared everything. It was dark but I could clearly see Miro Nile smiling toward our direction. I saw my past self smiling at that. Loren and Jacob didn’t notice as they were busy scanning their eyes in the surrounding but I my gaze was fixed on the stage where Miro Nile and his band mates are. Someone started talking, welcoming everybody, taking the time to get the band prepared for their performance. I remember feeling excited and nervous at the same time. And when it pains to see myself sitting at that table, having no idea what’s going to happen. But I have to watch it. I was brought here. There must be something. So we stood there, waiting for what’s bound to happen. Miro’s band started to perform and I could see myself fixed on him as he sang. I could hear Mikhael mumbling something about me being a very obvious admirer but I just ignored him. It was when the song was almost ending that I saw Miro Nile look at our direction. He smiled. Before, I thought I was hallucinating. But looking at it now from a different angle, he really did smile. Some students told me before I was delusional for even assuming that. I wanted to slap them right now. If only I could. I shifted on my feet as I hear the song nearing to its end because I know something’s about to begin. “I know we just met but I hope you realize that song was for you,” Miro started as he held the microphone. He looked at the audience and then to me. I remember feeling nervous that moment. It was the second time I went to this band’s performance. Loren shifted on her seat and Jacob was looking at Miro Nile as he walked down the stage. The ambiance was romantic and the surrounding went quiet as Miro started walking towards where we were seated. His eyes were locked on mine and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. He stood in front of me and smiled. I remembered feeling confused and excited at the same time that I couldn’t hide my smile. Miro Nile is charming and one couldn’t blame someone to be charmed by his dashing smile. I was too indulged with the moment that I forgot Miro Nile is Amelia’s boyfriend. “And it’s not you, Sheira Hart. I am sorry but I am still in love with Amelia,” he said and then took the bouquet of flowers on our table and went back to the stage where Amelia was waiting. I remembered being dumbfounded at what just happened. But my memories of that even stopped there. I didn’t know what happened next. So I continued watching. I could see the people surrounding our table whispering at each other. Loren looked at me. We all knew it’s going to circulate around the school afterwards. I will the laughing stock of the students for being a delusional b***h. It wasn’t even Miro Nile that invited me to that gig. It was Amelia but Amelia didn’t say a word about it. I heard Mikhael whistled beside me. “Okay. That was a very jerk move.” I sighed. “Yeah.” We both went silent again as we continued to watch. Anticipating what’s going to happen next. And then something unexpected happened. Jacob stood up. He made so much noise on his chair that all of the people’s attention is on him. “Oh. Is your friend going to punch that jerk?” Mikhael asked but I just ignored him. Jacob then looked at me. I looked at myself and she was shocked as everyone else. It was even more surprising when he held my hand and pulled me close to him. I could see myself looking at Jacob, surprised crossed my face. He then looked at Miro Nile as he was also looking at us. “This is getting interesting,” Mikhael said beside me but I continued watching. And I did not bother to stifle my gasp as I saw how Jacob held my hand. Jacob stared at Miro Nile down who was looking at us. Confused. I was probably confused that time too. But for some reason, I couldn’t remember this part. “Bold of you to assume Sheira likes you.” Jacob’s voice was cold. Dominating. Intimidating. He pulled me close and I was too surprised to even say anything. Loren was quiet too. “She’s my girlfriend and we only came here because your girlfriend invited us. We came here for the band. Not for you.” The people around started murmuring and whispering. “Oh, look how the tables have turned.” Mikhael chuckled as he crossed his arms and continued watching. But what I can’t digest was the fact that Jacob just told everybody I am his girlfriend. “Is that how I got a boyfriend?” I asked more to myself than to Mikhael who was laughing beside me. I looked at Loren who was also surprised at what Jacob said. Clearly, it was just to save me from humiliation. Miro Nile has humiliated me but Jacob has saved me from it by telling everybody I am his girl. It was a wise move. And I couldn’t help but smile at what Jacob did. He was a true friend, indeed. And I thought it was done. I thought I would be free from it. I thought that would be the end. But I was wrong. So, so wrong. I didn’t say anything as I felt the surrounding space get warped again. I looked at Mikhael who was starting to get blurry in my eyes. I closed my eyes and let my body flow with time as it took us to another flashback of my memory. Back at the school. 
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