Madison Remington?

1362 Words
/Valeri’s POV/ “in my own case, the matriarch of the Remington family will definitely have friends that has handsome and rich sons that I can get involved with” she brags and I cackle “in that case don’t let me stop you from pursuing you from pursing your dreams” I encourage her. “you don’t have to” she says “you……. you……. you” she says pointing at my hairstylist, make-up artist and nail technician. “I need you guys to follow me because I need you to touch a few things up” she says as she walks away with her bitchy attitude. “that is totally unacceptable” Vivian says in a bit to stop the dress up team from going with Mathilda but I signal her to just let things go. “what was that all about?” Vivian inquires as soon as everyone steps out of the room, leaving just the both us. “Mathilda seems to have the wrong impression that Grey Remington is an old man, but that is not the case at all. “thank goodness” Vivian sighs in relief. “I was already so terrified at the thought of allowing you to go ahead with marrying an old man that is close to his death” she says as she walks towards her seat and she starts mounting her phone on the tripod. “since that is clarified, allow me to just put some finishing touch to my look so that we can be on our way” she says as she starts touching up her make-up. “if you rush your dressing, your get ready with me vlog will be a total fail, so I will just go to the venue first and then you will meet me there later” I suggest because Vivian is nothing close to been done getting ready and I am not even ready to get roasted by that witch that is supposed to be my big sister. “will you be fine on your own?” she inquires with puppy eyes. “Yeaaaa sure, I will” I assure her. “I will try to hurry up so that I can join you as soon as I can” she says and I flash her a smile as I wave her before making my way towards the door. on making my way towards the door, I stop abruptly, recalling that there is something that I need to do so I turn back to face her to talk to her because if there is one thing that I have learnt from my past life, it is the fact that life is to short to stop ones self from doing the things that one really wants. “hey mama” I call out to her and her head suddenly whips in my direction. “do you need something?” she inquires concerned. “I just wanted to say thank you” I appreciate her because I don’t think I thank this beautiful human enough for coming into my life to save my ass. “thank you for what?” she inquires with her brows creasing in confusion. “for everything” I answer her with a smile. “you don’t have to thank me mama……. we are a team or are we not?” she inquires and I chuckle. “Yes mama…. we are” I answer her. “in that case, we shall be facing this life together……… as a team” she says reassuringly and I smile before turning the door knob of the room to see myself out because I am very sure that if I say another word to Vivian, she will reply with something that will make it difficult for me to leave the room and that will land me in deep s**t. I walk out of the room relying on the memories of my past life to lead me to the party venue instead of asking for directions from anyone, and after rambling for a while, I stop in front of the reception hall that had the initials G weds V in from of a neon wedding sign backdrop and I let myself in because I know that I am in the right place. The hall is a dimly lit hall, and the major source of light in the hall are the colorful strip LED lights that are tapped around the perimeter of the room, and there a few guests in attendance, in Vivian’s words, this wedding setting is giving more of a private and intimate setting. I don’t know if I am right or wrong about the size of guest being small or large because I was distraught the last time I was getting married to grey and I just wanted to get the whole evet over and done with so badly that I barely paid attention to the details, but at a time like this I can’t help but pay attention to the details as I am bored and I need something to do while waiting for my bestie to show herself. I look around the room to take note of the few people in attendance, and I lock eyes with the same piercing blue eyes that hardened instead of giving me the explanation that I deserve in his well-tailored velvety black Giorgio Armani menswear, in the exact way that he likes showing up to official gatherings. His comb over sandy blonde hair is styled in place complementing his olive skin tone, and his poker face that makes it really difficult to decipher whatever the hell it is that is going on in his mind per time He walks into the party with leopard like grace in the company of his best friend, Kyle Sepeher and his entourage with men that I want to believe are his body guards, especially from the way they are also dressed in black tailored suit with white shirt and acoustic earpiece plugged into their ears. “thank goodness” I sigh in relief, letting out the breath that I didn’t know that I was holding in as he walks past me without stopping to say a word. “wait a minute…” I stop to question myself. “why didn’t he stop in front of me?” I question myself because even if he doesn’t have the upper hand of having memories from a previous life, in my memories the first time we met was during the launch of project blah blah, where I told him that I have no idea who the f**k he is, and I have no plans of being involved with him in anyway because he and his best friend Kyle gave off the kind of complicated aura that I didn’t want to be involved with. “at that point, I thought my life was screaming those serial romantic novels that I used to read on w*****d where the domineering boss picked a liking to a girl that doesn’t give two f***s about him” I shudder. “now that I think about it, if I was really dealing with the case of a domineering boss versus ordinary girl situation, why the hell did his legal wife refer to me as a chess piece?” “what has Grey gotten to do with my fathers family business getting bankrupt and his motive for doing that” I question myself. “goodness gracious, the party has not even commenced yet, but I have a severe headache from overthinking my problems” I scold myself. “I think I can really use a drink……” I decide as I scan around for the nearest waiter that can hand me a drink only for my eyes to lands on a lady walking in with Saffron tint to her complexion, her Venus red coffin shaped nails running through her asymmetrical shoulder length bob hair. “Madison Remington?” I pronounce, perplexed by the many conflicting emotions surging through me as the woman who caused me to bleed helplessly to death walks past me with an elegant sweep of her gown
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