Dress to kill for the event

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/Valeri’s POV/ “I knew it” I mutter in realization. “anyways……. Let’s have it” I urge her. “first of all, you have to send a copy of the document to Caleb via email” she starts and finally stops pacing around the room like a ragging lion. “your brother?” I question. “yes mama” she answers me drawing the chair from the vanity to seat in front of me. “what has your brother gotten to do with this?” I question her. “everything” she answers as a matter of factly. “let’s have it…….” I urge her to explain herself “my brother is a lawyer so it is very understandable that I will want him to check the details of the contract so that we don’t get surprised when anything comes up…….” She trails off. “the summary of what I am trying to say is that I want us to be prepared for whatever is going to happen” she explains and I nod understandingly. “secondly……?” I proceed “secondly, you are marrying Grey Remington to get closer to him and beat him against his own game” she says and I suddenly go wide eyed. “wait a minute….” I try to catch up with what she is saying. “you mean to tell me that I am going into this marriage as an undercover to work against Grey?” I question her to be sure that we are on the same page. “well, that is one way to put it……” she answers. “dammmmnnnn!!!” I exclaim because the situation is looking like it is way beyond my grasp. “that is not the type of person that I am………my mother didn’t raise me to scheme against other people” I refuse to go along with what she is saying. “hard times calls for desperate measures” she justifies. “I just don’t see myself moving in the direction of the wife that schemes against her husband” “this is not who you are, but this is kind of person that you are reborn as and you really need to develop your own survival mechanism otherwise your story will end in the same way it did the first time, and if you ask me I will tell you that you deserve everything good in life and you should put yourself first in this life” she explains in depth. “I can’t do this alone…………this not how I am built for this type of life because this looks like it is too much for me to pull of successfully.” “now……that is where the third condition comes in” she states with a smug look on her pretty face while I raise an inquiry brow at her. “you have to carry me along in everything that is going on so that we can create a solid plan on how exactly to deal with Grey when he starts to move in the same direction that he was moving in your previous life” she states. “I appreciate the offer, but you will soon leave Silver City for pearl coast, so I guess I will just do things my way from the very beginning instead of dancing according to your tunes only for me to be left alone to figure stuffs out” I politely turn down the offer. “change of plans………… I won’t be travelling to pearl coast anymore” she announces. “you’ve got to be kidding me” I remark. “unfortunately, that is not the case in this situation” Vivian refutes. “you can’t be serious!” I refuse to believe my ears. “I am dead serious my darling” she answers me without batting an eyelid “but……you went through so much saving behind my back for your travelling expenses, getting into the modelling academy, and trying to get your life sorted in Pearl coast without Sponsorship from your parents” I list “ouch……you have access to so much information” Vivian says biting her finger……something she does when she was caught in the act. “yeaaaa right I do which is exactly why I am trying to sound the note of warning to you that you can’t throw everything that you have been planning for over a year now for me” I express. “Valeri Donald……what exactly do you take me for?” she questions “I don’t understand…….” I mutter as I bat my eyelids at her in confusion. “what you need to understand is that giving up my travelling to pearl coast just to be here for you is the least I can do for you in this situation….” She trails off. “the point is that I don’t want you to have to sacrifice your dreams because of me” I quickly cut in so that she can stop feeling obligated to do stuffs for me at the expense of her happiness. “allow me finish….” she stops me from going any further. “ making preparations for my journey to pearl coast to pursue my influencer and my modelling career was only because I didn’t want to face the drama of being the bad egg in the family considering the way my family members has turned practicing the law into a generational thing/ family business, but since the situation has gotten to what it is now, I guess I just have to stop being a coward and stand up to my family” she says and I listen carefully. “standing up to my family is the least that I can do when it comes to you, and as long as my life is not in danger, I will always drag my ass up to follow you in backing up every of your decisions without complaints my love” she says reassuringly as I try to blink the tears in my eyes back because I am so emotional from everything that she is saying. “sometimes, you actually do make me question whether I am really your best friend or not because how do you expect me to walk away to go and pursue my dream when marrying grey Remington is a matter of life and death for you?” she questions. “my intention was not to make you feel left out in anyway, I just really wanted you to know that I don’t want you to feel burdened and pressured to stay because of me” I explain. “f**k no!” she exclaims getting off from the bed and picking up my phone “what are you trying to do?” I question her as I notice her investing all her attention on my phone. “I am trying to forward the email that you are meant to sign to my brother so that by the time we are done dressing up and preparing for the event that is supposed to take place in the evening, my brother must have been done scrutinizing the contract” she answers and I let out a ‘Ohhh’ “now get your ass off that bed to start preparing while I go outside to look for the stylist and the makeup artist that we ditched earlier because we have a wedding to attend, and need to dress to kill for the event” she says and I nod as I get my ass of the bed to do as I was told.
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